1835 -
Name |
VILLAVICENCIO VILLA, "Jose Ramon" Tiburcio |
- Jose Ramon VILLA; Marriage record & various children's Baptism records
Nickname |
Jose Ramon |
Birth |
30 May 1835 |
Alta California |
Christening |
7 Jun 1835 |
Mission San Juan Bautista, Alta California [1] |
Gender |
Male |
Census |
1852 |
San Luis Obispo County, California [2] |
w/parents & siblings |
Census |
26 Jul 1860 |
San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo, California [3] |
w/widowed mother & siblings; next door to future sister-in-law |
Person ID |
I25173 |
1. Schwald - WA-NY-OR-TX |
Last Modified |
17 May 2017 |
Father |
VILLAVICENCIO VILLA, Jose Maria Teodoro, b. Nov 1800, Monterey, Alta California d. Abt. 24 Dec 1853, San Luis Obispo County, California (Age ~ 53 years) |
Mother |
RODRIGUEZ, Maria Francisca "Rafaela" Elisabet, b. 24 Aug 1814, Monterey, Alta California |
Family ID |
F8043 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
FELIZ, Maria de Gracia "Ramona", b. Abt. 1848, Alta California |
Marriage |
15 Jul 1863 |
Mission San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo, California [4] |
Children |
| 1. VILLA, Adalberto, b. Abt. Nov 1866, San Luis Obispo County, California  |
| 2. VILLA, Maria Rosenda, b. Abt. Mar 1868, San Luis Obispo County, California  |
| 3. VILLA, Jose Ramon Antonio, b. 27 Dec 1869, San Luis Obispo County, California  |
| 4. VILLA, Ramona, b. 29 May 1873, San Luis Obispo County, California  |
| 5. VILLA, Ramon, b. 10 Feb 1876, San Luis Obispo County, California  |
Family ID |
F8053 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
16 May 2017 |
Sources |
- [S010] Early California Population Project, Alta Cal Msn Bk #00_1770-1855_Bap, (huntington.org), 7 Jun 1835, http://missions.huntington.org/BaptismalData.aspx?ID=60727.
Msn. San Juan Bautista
#4157) 7 Jun 1835- JOSE RAMON TIBURCIO VILLABICENCIO, 8 d., de Jose Maria Villabicencio - S.C. Bap. #2331, y de Rafaela Rodriguez - S.C. Bap. #2919, vecinos. Anzar.
Padrinos: Jose Rodriguez y Perfecta Pacheco.
*More info on web site
- [S168] CENSUS 1852 - California State, (ancestry.com), 1852, page 2; [2/31].
1852 CENSUS - CALIFORNIA STATE - San Luis Obispo County, California
9. Jose Maria Villa - 52 - M - Farmer - California
10. Jose R. Villa - 15 - M - _ - California
11. Rafela R. Villa - 37 - F - _ - California
12. Fulgencio Villa - 14 - M - _ - California
13. Ascuncion Villa - 13 - F - _ - California
14. Jose I. Villa - 11 - M - _ - California
15. Jose Villa - 9 - M - _ - California
16. Antonio Villa - 8 - M - _ - California
17. Ramona Villa - 7 - F - _ - California
- [S170] CENSUS 1870 - U.S. Federal, (ancestry.com), 26 Jul 1860, 26 Jul 1860.
1860 CENSUS - San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo, California
17. Rafaela Villa - 46 F - House Keeper - 10,000/5,000 - Cal
18. Jose R. Villa - 25 - M - Farmer - _/1,000 - Cal
19. Flugencio Villa - 24 - M - Farmer - _/1,000 - Cal
20. Asuncion Villa - 21 - F - House Keeper - _ - Cal
21. Jose Ignacio Villa - 19 - M - Farmer - _/1,000 - Cal
22. Jose Villa - 17 - M - Farmer - _/1,000 - Cal
23. Antonio Villa - 16 - M - Farmer - _ - cal
24. Ramona Villa - 15 - F - _ - _ - Cal
25. Desiderio Rodriguez - 37 - M - Farmer - _/5,000 - Cal
26. Isabel Rodriguez - 26 - F - House Keeper - _ - Cal
27. Gertrude Rodriguez - 9 - F - _ - _ - Cal
28. Juan Rodriguez - 7 - M - _ - _ - Cal
29. Desiderio Rodriguez - 1 - M - _ - _ - Cal
- [S078] Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa, Alta Cal Msn Bk #42_1772-1884_Sn L Ob_Bur, (Thomas Workman Temple III), 15 Jul 1863.
#974) Jul 15 [1863]- JOSE RAMON VILLA, 28, h.l. de Jose Maria Villa y Rafaela Rodriguez
with RAMONA FELIZ, 16, h.l. de Vicente Feliz y Agustina Olivera -
Fulgencio Villa y Juana Feliz, wits. Balla