genealogy of the Schwald-Bergh and Buck-Verdugo families
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GARCIA, Maria Micaela

GARCIA, Maria Micaela

Female 1801 -

Personal Information    |    Sources    |    Event Map    |    All    |    PDF

  • Name GARCIA, Maria Micaela 
    Birth 19 Jan 1801  San Diego, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Christening 24 Jan 1801  San Diego Presidio, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2, 3
    Gender Female 
    Census 1836  Los Angeles, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    With husband and children 
    Census 23 Sep 1850  San Obispo County, California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    With husband and children 
    Census 1852  San Obispo County, California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    With 2nd husband, children and an Indian girl 
    Census 28 Jul 1860  San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo, California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Widowed with children and Jesus Villa 
    Person ID I20243  1. Schwald - WA-NY-OR-TX
    Last Modified 25 Mar 2015 

    Father GARCIA, Juan Jose,   b. Abt. Nov 1774, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 27 Nov 1818, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 44 years) 
    Mother SANDOVAL, Maria Josepha Antonia,   b. 14 Aug 1781, San Diego, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F4410  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 1 VILLA, Joseph Antonio "Doroteo",   b. 4 Jun 1795, Los Angeles, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Abt. 26 Oct 1821, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 26 years) 
    Marriage 25 May 1815  Mission La Purisima Concepcion, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location  [4, 5
    +1. VILLA, Maria de Jesus Patricia,   b. Mar 1816, Santa Barbara, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location
     2. VILLA, Sebastian,   b. Abt. 1820, Los Angeles, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location
     3. VILLA, Francisco Antonio,   b. 3 Apr 1822, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location
     4. VILLA, Maria Antonia,   b. Bef. 1831, Los Angeles, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location
    Family ID F6594  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 23 Mar 2015 

    Family 2 LINARES, Victor Pantaleon,   b. 24 Jul 1807, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Feb 1852-1853, San Luis Obispo, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 45 years) 
    Marriage 8 Jan 1826  Mission San Diego, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location  [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
    +1. LINARES, Santiago "Pedro",   b. 30 Jul 1827, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location
     2. LINARES, Pio,   b. 4 May 1831, Los Angeles, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location
     3. LINARES, Feliz Bernardino "Fernando",   b. Nov 1834, Los Angeles, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location
     4. LINARES, Maria Antonia,   b. Abt. 1836, California Find all individuals with events at this location
     5. LINARES, Angustias,   b. Abt. 1838, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location
     6. LINARES, Raymundo,   b. Abt. 1841, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location
     7. LINARES, Maria Orofila,   b. Abt. May 1844, San Luis Obispo, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location
     8. LINARES, Teresa,   b. Abt. 1847, California Find all individuals with events at this location
    Family ID F6593  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 25 Mar 2015 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 19 Jan 1801 - San Diego, Alta California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsChristening - 24 Jan 1801 - San Diego Presidio, Alta California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 25 May 1815 - Mission La Purisima Concepcion, Alta California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 8 Jan 1826 - Mission San Diego, Alta California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - With husband and children - 1836 - Los Angeles, Alta California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - Widowed with children and Jesus Villa - 28 Jul 1860 - San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo, California Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Sources 
    1. [S010] Early California Population Project, Alta Cal Msn Bk #00_1770-1855_Bap, (,
      San Diego Presidio
      #3061) 24 Jan 1801- MARIA MICAELA GARCIA, 5 d., Birth Date: nacio el 19 del dicho mes y ano, h.l. de Juan Jose Garcia, Msn. S.L.O. Bap. #86, y de Maria Antonia, S.D. Bap. #869.
      *More info on web site

    2. [S023] Mission San Diego de Alcala or Presidio Church, Alta Cal Msn Bk #10_1776-1822_Sn Dgo Bap, (Thomas Workman Temple III).
      #3061) RPC 24 January 1801, MARIA MICHAELA GARCIA, girl born January 19th, h.l. de Juan Jose Garcia, soldado de cuera de esta Presidio y Maria Antonia Sandoval.
      Josef Pena, artillero del Presidio, y Petra Naba (Haba), su muger, as padrinos before Barona.

    3. [S081] Mission San Gabriel Arcangel, Alta Cal Msn Bk #43_1778-1899_Sn G_Conf, (Thomas Workman Temple III).
      CONFIRMATION - Msn. San Gabriel
      #1909) [5 November 1831]- MICAELA GARCIA, c.c. Victor Linares;
      Ana Maria Lugo, mad.

    4. [S012] Early California Population Project, Alta Cal Msn Bk #00_1772-1855 _Marr, (,
      Msn. La Purisima Concepcion
      #782) 25 May 1815- DOROTHEO VILLA, Msn. S.G. Bap. #2576, soldado de la compania de Santa Barbara, de Juan Jose Villa (difunto) y de Maria Paulina Martines,
      con MARIA MICAELA GARCIA, S.D. Bap. #3061, de Juan Jose Garcia y de Maria Antonia Sandoval.
      *More info on web site

    5. [S038] Mission La Purisima Concepcion, Alta Cal Msn Bk #21_1790-1842_La Pur_Marr, (Thomas Workman Temple III).
      #782) May 25, 1815 - DOROTEO VILLA, son of the deceased Juan Jose Villa and Maria Paulina Martinez. Native of the Pueblo of Los Angeles, single. Soldier of the Santa Barbara company.
      con MARIA MICAELA GARCIA, daughter of Juan Jose Garcia and Maria Antonia Sandoval. Native of the same Pueblo of Los Angeles, single.
      Witnesses: Nemesio Dominguez and Eustaquio Pena.

    6. [S012] Early California Population Project, Alta Cal Msn Bk #00_1772-1855 _Marr, (,
      Msn. San Diego
      #1602a) 8 Jan 1826- VICTOR LINARES, soldado de cuera de este Presidio, Msn. S.L.D. Bap. #1308, de Salvador Linars (difunto), y de Bernarda Silbas,
      con MICAELA GARCIA, S.D. Bap. #3601, viuda de Doroteo Villa *(difunto).
      *More info on web site

    7. [S025] San Diego Mission de Alcala or Presidio Church, Alta Cal Msn Bk #12_1776-1880_Sn Dgo_Marr, (Thomas Workman Temple III).
      #1602) Jan. 8, 1826 - Ygla. Misn. - VICTOR LINARES, soltero, s.c. deste Presidio, h.l. del dfo. Salvador Linares y de Bernarda Silvas,
      with MICAELA GARCIA, viuda de Doroteo Villa, (h.l. de Juan Jose y Maria Josepha Sandoval)
      TTs. Joaquin Ruiz s.c. de esta escolta c.c. Quirina Ybarra y Juan Osuna, soltero y Soldado de la misma escolta. O.

    8. [S012] Early California Population Project, Alta Cal Msn Bk #00_1772-1855 _Marr, (,
      Msn. San Luis Obispo
      #839) [Oct 1839] a principio de Octubre de 1839 [Oct 1839]- VICTOR LINARES,
      *More info on web site

    9. [S079] Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa, Alta Cal Msn Bk #42_1775-1881_Sn L Ob_Marr, (Thomas Workman Temple III).
      # 839) Oct 1839- renobaron o revalidaron el contrato Matrimonial de San Diego el Ano de 1825 o 1826-
      son parientes en 3 grado con 4 de consanguinidad, lo supe por una casualidad en una conbersacion en un rancho de esta Mision llamado Santa Margarita-
      luego los llame que era indispensable el sacar dispensa- no me negaron el parentesco- si me lo alegaron que cuando se sacaron no lo sabian.
      Para habreviar pedi la dispensa al R.P. Prefecto y Juez Ecclesiastico de esta Provincia por el Sor. Obispo de Sonora, Fr. Narciso Duran.
      VICTOR LINARES, h.l. de Salvador Linares y Bernarda Silvas Lugo,
      with MICAELA GARCIA, h.l. de Juan Jose Garcia Lugo y Antonia Sandoval,
      wits. were: Juan Pablo Aiala y Jose Maria Aiala y el Sacristan Pacifico. Legitimo la Prole de 4 hijos. Fr. Ramon Abella

    10. [S209] Historical Society of Southern California, CENSUS 1836 - Alta California LA , (University of California Press), 1836, page 127 (27/66).
      *Victor Linares - 33 - Angeles - *N - Angeles - C
      Micaela Garcia Linares - 40 - Angeles - _ - Angeles - C
      *Sebastian Villa - 16 - Angeles - *N - Angeles - S
      Francisco Villa - 13 - Angeles - *N - Angeles - S
      Pedro Linares - 9 - Angeles - _ - Angeles
      Pio Linares - 5 - Angeles - _ - Angeles
      Fernando Linares - 1 - Angeles - _ - Angeles

      *N. Vago o de Ninguina Profesion

    11. [S167] CENSUS 1850 - U.S. Federal, (, 23 Sep 1850, page 3/8.
      1850 CENSUS - Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, California
      Uetare Lenaras - 32 - M - Ranchero - 1,000
      Migusla G Lenaras - 34 - F
      Pedro Lenaras - 25 - M - Laborer
      Mario Anto Lenaras - 14 - F
      Peo Lenaras - 18 - M - Laborer
      Fernando Lenaras - 16 - M - Laborer
      Augustus Lenaras - 12 - F
      Maria A Lenaras - 5 - F
      Teresa Lenaras - 3 - F

    12. [S168] CENSUS 1852 - California State, (, 1852, page 1/31.
      Peter Ivone [ Victor Linares] - 52 - M - Farmer
      Fredville Lewis [Micaela Linares] - 35 - F
      Fernan Lennis - [Fernando Linares - 18 - M - Farmer
      Marie Jones [Maria O Linares] - 5 - F
      Rummel Louis [Raymundo Linares] - 9 - M
      Manuela - 7 (Ind) - F

    13. [S169] CENSUS 1860 - U.S. Federal, (, 28 Jul 1860, page 10/13.
      1860 CENSUS - San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo, California
      Myarla Linares - 70 - F - House Keeper - _/250
      Augusta Linares - 25 - F - House Keeper
      Fernando Linares - 24 - M - Laborer
      Orofila Linares - 16 - F - Washerwoman

      Jesus Villa - 42 - M - Laborer