genealogy of the Schwald-Bergh and Buck-Verdugo families
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LORENZANA, Jose Crisanto

LORENZANA, Jose Crisanto

Male 1820 - 1858  (37 years)

Personal Information    |    Sources    |    Event Map    |    All    |    PDF

  • Name LORENZANA, Jose Crisanto 
    Birth 22 Jul 1820  Santa Barbara County, California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Christening 23 Jul 1820  Mission Santa Barbara, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Gender Male 
    Census 1834  Santa Barbara, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    With parents and siblings 
    Census 1852  Santa Barbara County, California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    w/wife & her siblings, brothers & their fam., nephews 
    Death Bef. Jan 16, 1858  California Find all individuals with events at this location 
      - Jan 16, 1858 listed as deceased; widowed wife remarried
    Burial Bef. Jan 16, 1858  California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I19578  1. Schwald - WA-NY-OR-TX
    Last Modified 23 Sep 2017 

    Father ORTIZ LORENZANA, Jose Sindico Jacinto,   b. Abt. 1790, Mexico Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Mother RODRIGUEZ, Maria del Carmen Eustaquia,   b. 28 Sep 1798, Santa Barbara, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F5172  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family ELWELL, Maria "Susana" Antonia Anastasia,   b. 22 Nov 1831, Santa Barbara, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Marriage 1 Jun 1851  Mission San Buenaventura, Santa Barbara, California Find all individuals with events at this location  [3, 4
    Family ID F6610  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 23 Sep 2017 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 22 Jul 1820 - Santa Barbara County, California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsChristening - 23 Jul 1820 - Mission Santa Barbara, Alta California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - With parents and siblings - 1834 - Santa Barbara, Alta California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 1 Jun 1851 - Mission San Buenaventura, Santa Barbara, California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - w/wife & her siblings, brothers & their fam., nephews - 1852 - Santa Barbara County, California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - Bef. Jan 16, 1858 - California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBurial - Bef. Jan 16, 1858 - California Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Sources 
    1. [S010] Early California Population Project, Alta Cal Msn Bk #00_1770-1855_Bap, (,
      Msn. Santa Barbara
      #572) 23 Jul 1820- JOSE CRISANTO LORENZANA, 1 d., Birth Date: el dia anterior, h.l. de Jacinto Lorenzana y Maria del Carmen Rodriguez, S.B. Bap. #180, vecinos del imediato Presidio.
      Padrinos: Lugardia Garcia y Ygnacio Delgado. Ripoll

    2. [S229] Bancroft - May 1859, CENSUS JUN 1834 - Alta California Santa Barbara, (Sta. Pap. Missions Vol.5-p.506), 1834, page 1/20.
      Sindico Jacinto LORENZANA - C - 40 - Mex. - Campta.
      Carmen RODRIGUEZ - C - 37 - S. Barb.
      Jose Inocenta LORENZANA - S - 22
      Ma. del Rosario LORENZANA - S - 20
      Crisanto LORENZANA - S - 14
      Ma. Concep. LORENZANA - S - 12
      Manuel LORENZANA - _ - 8
      Ramon[a-JSR] LORENZANA - _ - 7

    3. [S084] Mission San Buenaventura, Alta Cal Msn Bk #45_1782-1874_Sn Bnvent_Marr, (Thomas Workman Temple III).
      #1202) Jun 1, 1851- CRISANTO LORENZANA, natl. de Santa Barbara of Jacinto Lorenzana y Maria Carmen Rodriguez,
      with MARIA ANTONIA ANASTACIA ELWELL, of Roberto Elwell, natl. de Boston y Vicenta Sanchez, de Santa B.
      Fernando Tico y Ramon Valdes, wits. Jordan

    4. [S168] CENSUS 1852 - California State, (, 1852, page 11; [11/48].
      28. Jose Lorenzana - 45 - male - Ranchero & tradesman - Upper Cal
      29. Rafaela Garcia De Lorenzana - 27 - fem - _ - Upper Cal
      30. Manuel Lorenzana - 25 - male - Vaquero - Upper Cal
      31. Crisanto Lorenzana - 30 - male - Vaquero - Upper Cal
      32. Susanna Elwell de Lorenzana - 20 - fem - _ - Upper Cal

      33. Guadalupe Elwell - 22 - male - Vaquero - Upper Cal
      34. William Henry Otis Elwell - 15 - _ - Upper Cal
      35. Mary Elwell - 12 - fem - _ - Upper Cal
      36. John Franklin Elwell - 10 - _ - Upper Cal
      37. Santiago Lorenzano - 16 - male - _ - Upper Cal
      38. Joventino Lorenzano - 10 - male - _ - Upper Cal
      39. Clotilde Lorenzano - 13 - male - _ - Upper Cal