genealogy of the Schwald-Bergh and Buck-Verdugo families
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ORTEGA, Pedro Regalado Jose Francisco Domingo Ysidro

ORTEGA, Pedro Regalado Jose Francisco Domingo Ysidro

Male 1815 -

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  • Name ORTEGA, Pedro Regalado Jose Francisco Domingo Ysidro 
    Birth 16 May 1815  Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Christening 22 Mar 1816  Mission Santa Ynez, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Gender Male 
    Census 1 Jun 1834  Santa Barbara, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    1834 SANTA BARBARA PADRON/CENSUS; June 1, 1834
    1834 S.B. PADRON (Census): Pedro Ortega - Age 18
    Living in brother's household w/s-i-l and nephew
    Census 1852  Santa Barbara County, California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    With wife, children, and step-son 
    Census 18 Jul 1860  Santa Ynez, Santa Barbara, California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    With wife, children, step-son and hired hands 
    Census 20 Jul 1870  Santa Barbara County, California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    With wife, children and step-son 
    Census 25 Jun 1880  Las Cruces, Santa Barbara, California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    With wife and children 
    Person ID I12663  1. Schwald - WA-NY-OR-TX
    Last Modified 25 Apr 2015 

    Father ORTEGA, Jose Vicente,   b. Abt. 1785, San Vicente, Baja California, Mexico Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Oct 1817, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 32 years) 
    Mother OLIVERA, Maria Estefana,   b. 03 Aug 1788, Ventura, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Abt. 10 Jun 1830, Santa Barbara, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 41 years) 
    Family ID F4230  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 1 ORTEGA, Maria "Lugarda",   b. Abt. Apr 1821, Santa Barbara, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Abt. 19 Oct 1841, Santa Barbara, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 20 years) 
    Marriage 10 Jul 1835  Mission Santa Ynez, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location  [3, 4
     1. ORTEGA, Maria Tomasa,   b. Sep 1835, Santa Barbara, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location
    +2. ORTEGA, Maria "Estefana",   b. Nov 1836, Santa Barbara, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location
    +3. ORTEGA, Maria de Jesus Francisca,   b. Sep 1838, Santa Barbara, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 5 Sep 1891, Santa Barbara County, California Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 52 years)
    +4. ORTEGA, Maria Antonia,   b. 26 Jan 1840, Santa Barbara, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location
    Family ID F6355  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 17 Feb 2015 

    Family 2 ORTEGA, Maria "Luisa Gonzaga" Antonia,   b. Apr 1823, Santa Barbara, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Marriage 23-24 Feb 1852  Mission Santa Ynez, Solvang, Santa Barbara, California Find all individuals with events at this location  [5, 6, 7, 8, 9
     1. ORTEGA, Juan de Dios "John D.",   b. Jun 1844, Santa Ynez, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location
     2. ORTEGA, Abelino,   b. Abt. 1846, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location
    +3. ORTEGA, Fernando,   b. Abt. Jan 1849, Santa Ynez, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 12 Jan 1926, Santa Barbara County, California Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 76 years)
     4. ORTEGA, Maria Manuela,   b. Bet. 1851-1852, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location
    +5. ORTEGA, Josefa D.,   b. Abt. Feb 1854, California Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 26 Jul 1925, Santa Barbara County, California Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 71 years)
     6. ORTEGA, Jose Vicente Antonio Marcos,   b. 25 Apr 1856, Santa Ynez, Santa Barbara, California Find all individuals with events at this location
    +7. ORTEGA, Hermogenes,   b. 19 Apr 1859, Santa Ynez, Santa Barbara, California Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 7 Sep 1927, Santa Barbara County, California Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 68 years)
     8. ORTEGA, Afredo Apolonio,   b. 19 Feb 1862, Santa Ynez, Santa Barbara, California Find all individuals with events at this location
     9. ORTEGA, Magdalena,   b. Abt. 1863, California Find all individuals with events at this location
     10. ORTEGA, Adelina Abelino,   b. Abt. 1867, California Find all individuals with events at this location
    Family ID F6356  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 18 Feb 2015 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 16 May 1815 - Alta California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsChristening - 22 Mar 1816 - Mission Santa Ynez, Alta California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 1 Jun 1834 - Santa Barbara, Alta California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 10 Jul 1835 - Mission Santa Ynez, Alta California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - With wife, children, and step-son - 1852 - Santa Barbara County, California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 23-24 Feb 1852 - Mission Santa Ynez, Solvang, Santa Barbara, California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - With wife, children, step-son and hired hands - 18 Jul 1860 - Santa Ynez, Santa Barbara, California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - With wife, children and step-son - 20 Jul 1870 - Santa Barbara County, California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - With wife and children - 25 Jun 1880 - Las Cruces, Santa Barbara, California Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Sources 
    1. [S092] Mission Santa Ines, Alta Cal Msn Bk #49_1805-1886_Snta Ins_Bap, (Thomas Workman Temple III).
      #826) Mar 22, Fr. Uria (NB: Family records carry birth date: May 16, 1815) ORTEGA, PEDRO REGALADO JOSE FRANCISCO DOMINGO YSIDRO, legitimate son of Vicente Ortega and Maria Estefana Olivera of Refugio. Padrinos: Don Francisco Ortega, widower of Maria Francisca Yorba, and Maria Jesus Ortega, daughter of Don Jose Maria Ortega and Dona Francisca Lopez.

    2. [S229] Bancroft - May 1859, CENSUS JUN 1834 - Alta California Santa Barbara, (Sta. Pap. Missions Vol.5-p.506), 1 Jun 1834, page 9/20 [Vol.5-p.506].

    3. [S012] Early California Population Project, Alta Cal Msn Bk #00_1772-1855 _Marr, (,
      Msn. Santa Ines
      #418) 10 Jul 1835- PEDRO ORTEGA, Msn. S.I. Bap. #826, de Jose Vicente Ortega (difunto) y de Maria Estefana Olivera (difunta),
      con LUGARDA ORTEGA, S.B. Bap. #585, de Antonio Maria Ortega y Tomasa Rodriguez (difunta). *More info on web site
      [NOTE: Pedro ORTEGA and Lugarda ORTEGA are first cousin, their fathers are brothers - JSR]

    4. [S090] Mission Santa Ines, Alta Cal Msn Bk #48_1807-1904_Snta Ins_Marr, (Thomas Workman Temple III).
      #418) Jul 10, Fr. Jose Joaquin Jimeno; ORTEGA-ORTEGA; PEDRO ORTEGA, single, de varon, son of the late Jose Vicente Ortega y the late Maria Estefana Olivera
      con LUGARDA ORTEGA, single, daughter of Antonio Maria Ortega and the late Tomasa Rodriguez.
      Witnesses: Manuel Ortega and his wife Andrea Cota. (first cousins)

    5. [S034] Mission Santa Ines, Alta Cal Msn Bk #19_1807-1880_Snta Ins_Marr, (Thomas Workman Temple III).
      MARRIAGE - [LISTED TWICE] (Note: Luisa Ortega is the sister of Pedro Ortega's deceased 1st wife - THEY ARE ALSO FIRST COUSINS)
      *500) Feb 23, 1852 - PEDRO ORTEGA (Olivera) viudo,
      con MARIA (Luisa Ortega-Rodriguez), Soltera - (pg. 97) -
      Ano de mil ochocientos cincuenta y dos dia veinte tres de Febrero leidas las tres amonestaciones en tres dias festivos en la Misa Mayor y no habiendo resultado impedimento legitimo
      ademas de los tres ya dispensados saber de consanguinidad en 2ø grado de la linea colateral igual, de afinidad licita en primer grado de la ya linea trasversal. y de cognacion
      espiritual de segunda especie. Yo pdre. Eugenio OConnell, Ministro de esta Mision case en esta Iglesia,
      Don PEDRO ORTEGA, viudo de Lugarda Ortega, hijo del difunto Jose Vicente Ortega y de la difunta Maria Estefana Olivera
      con MARIA LUISA GONZAGA ORTEGA, soltera, hija de Sr. Antonio Maria Ortega y de la difunta Tomasa Rodriguez despues de haberles preguntado y enterado de su mutuo consentimiento segun rito de la Santa Madre Iglesia los bendije al tiempo de la Misa
      siendo Testigos presentes y conocidos Don Augustin Jansens y Dona Maria Antonia Pico y paraque conste lo firmo. Eugo. OConnell
      (see 507, inserts, corrections as shown are in original)

      *507) Feb 24, 1852- PEDRO ORTEGA, viudo
      con MARIA LUISA GONZAGA ORTEGA, Soltera - (pg. 59-a Volume is leafed - see 500)
      Ano de mil ochocientos cincuenta y dos, dia veinte cuatro de Febrero, despues de las proclamas Conciliares y no habiendo
      resultado impedimento Canonico (fuera de los dispensados por el M. Rev. Gobernador de la Mitra): yo P. Eugenio OConnell, Ministro de esta Mision
      Don PEDRO ORTEGA, viudo de la difunta Lugarda Ortega
      y Dona MARIA LUISA GONZAGA ORTEGA,Soltera hija legitima de Don Antonio Maria Ortega y Maria Tomasa Rodriguez, ambos naturales de la Mision de Santa Barbara,
      mutual cosentimiento los case solemnemente por palabras de presente,
      siendo Testigos Don Agustin Jansens y Don Francisco Lucero y varios otros y despues segun rito de la Santa Madre Iglesia los bendije al tiempo de la Misa (los impedimentos en los cuales
      se digno dispensar el M.R.P. Gobernador de la Mitra fueron Afinidad en el primero grado linea collateralis, el de consanguinidad en segundo grado y el de parentesco espiritual in prima specie)
      y para que conste lo firmo. Eugenio OConnell
      (Se habia olivdado esta partida y por eso no se puso antes. Eug. OC)

    6. [S168] CENSUS 1852 - California State, (, 1852, page 34/48.
      Pedro Ortega - 36 - Male - Vaquero - Upper Cal
      Maria Luisa Gonzaga de Ortega - 28 - Fem - _ - Upper Cal
      Miguel Ortega - 12 - Male - _ - Upper Cal
      Juan Ortega - 7 - Male - _ - Upper Cal
      Avemino Ortega - 6 - Male - _ - Upper Cal
      Fernando Ortega - 4 - Male - _ - Upper Cal
      Maria Manuela Ortega - 5 - Fem - _ - Upper Cal

    7. [S169] CENSUS 1860 - U.S. Federal, (, 18 Jul 1860, pages 14-15/18.
      1860 CENSUS - Santa Ynez, Santa Barbara, California
      Pedro Ortega - 48 - M - Stock Raiser - 2500/4500 - Cal
      M gonzaga Ortega - 38 - F - _ - _ - Cal
      Miguel Ortega - 19 - M - _ - _ - Cal
      Juan Ortega - 18 - M - _ - _ - Cal
      Abelino Ortega - 15 - M - _ - _ - Cal
      Fernando Ortega - 10 - M - _ - _ - Cal
      Manuela Ortega - 8 - F - _ - _ - Cal
      Estefino Ortega - 6 - F - _ - _ - Cal
      Vicente Ortega - 4 - M - _ - _ - Cal
      Jeronimo Ortega - 2 - M - _ - _ - Cal
      --- NEXT PAGE ---
      Carlos Sursa - 20 - M - Laborer - Cala
      Juan Pedro - 29 - M (Ind) - _ - Cala
      Jose - 23 - M (Ind) - _ - Cala
      Manuela - 14 - F (Ind) - _ - Cala

    8. [S170] CENSUS 1870 - U.S. Federal, (, 20 Jul 1870, page 1/26.
      1870 CENSUS - Township 3, Santa Barbara, California
      Pedro Ortega - 51 - M - Farmer - 10,000/330 - Cal
      Gonzaga Ortega - 49 - F - Keeps House - _ - Cal
      Miguel Ortega - 29 - M - Day Laborer - 500/250 - Cal
      Juan Ortega - 25 - M - Day Labotrer - _/300 - Cal
      Fernanda Ortega - 22 - M - Day Laborer - _ - Cal
      Manella Ortega - 18 - F - At Home - _ - Cal
      Josefa Ortega - 16 - F - At Home - _ - Cal
      Jose V Ortega - 13 - M - At Home - _ - Cal
      Hermogenes Ortega - 11 - M - At Home - _ - Cal
      Alfreda Ortega - 8 - M - At Home - _ - Cal
      Madalena Ortega - 6 - F - At Home - _ - Cal
      Adalina Ortega - 2 - F - At Home - _ - Cal

    9. [S171] CENSUS 1880 - U.S. Federal, (, 25 Jun 1880, page 1/6.
      1880 CENSUS - District 83, Las Cruces, Santa Barbara, California
      FAMILY #218
      Pedro Ortega - 64 - _ - M - Farmer
      Gonzaga Ortega - 60 - Wife - M - Keeping House
      Manuela Ortega - 24 - D - S - At Home
      Vicente Ortega - 19 - Son - S - At Home
      Hermogenes Ortega - 18 - Son - S - At Home
      Alfredo Ortega - 17 - Son - S - At Home
      Magdalina Ortega - 16 - D - S - At Home
      Abelino Ortega - 10 - Son - S - At Home

      FAMILY #219
      Fernando Ortega - 30 - _ - M - Farmer
      Catalina Ortega - 24 - Wife - M - Keeping House
      Victoria Ortega - 4 - D - S - At Home
      Juana Ortega - 2 - D - S - At Home
      Domingo Ortega - 1 - Son - S - At Home
      Vicente Ordaz - 16 - Ler - S - Laborer
      Alfredo Cordero - 15 - Ler - S - Laborer
      Jacobo Ordaz - 23 - Ler - S - Sheep Herder