Matches 9,101 to 9,150 of 10,244
# |
Notes |
Linked to |
9101 |
Per Fred Wehrle's notes:
0 0 Wehrlin, Matthias, Bauer <8265>
* : 18 Sep 1730 Luetschenbach + : 9 Okt 1817 Luetschenba
V: Wehrlin, Michael M: Vollmer, Vere
oo: 1) 26 Feb 1760 Vogelbach "2135"
0 0 Gisin, Anna, <2273>
* : 18 Mar 1738 Lausbuehl + : 6 Mar 1822 Luetschenba
V: Gisin Fritz M: Graf Mar
1. Wehrlin, Michael, Weidgeselle * 1761+ 1836 <8280>
2. Wehrlin, Fritz, * 1762+ 1844 <8281>
3. Wehrlin, Johann Jacob, * 1765+ 1769 <8283>
4. Wehrlin, Matthias, * 1767+ 1842 <8282>
5. Wehrlin, Johann Jacob, * 1769+ 1841 <8284>
6. Wehrlin, Anna Maria, * 1771+ 1772 <8285>
7. Wehrlin, Catharina, * 1775+ 1857 <3323>
8. Wehrlin, Anna Maria, * 1775+ 1854 <4514>
9. Wehrlin, Verena, * 1777+ 1778 <8286>
10. Wehrlin, Johann Georg, * 1781+ 1853 <8287>
From: Wehrle
To: Janet
Subject: Re: Kiefer Bild
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 12:02:41 +020
Hallo Janet,
vielen herzlichen Dank. Leider kann ich die Dateien mit den Bildern nic
oeffnen. Schade!
Hier meine Wehrle Vorfahren Linie: (in Kurzform)
Wehrle, Fred oo 21.06.1980 Schloss Buergeln Groetz, Saskia
* 28.6.1955 (4 children) 26.11.1961
Wehrle, Werner oo 25.04.1953 Vogelbach Pick, Inge
*28.06.1928 26.01.1931
Wehrle, Ernst oo 27.03.1924 Vogelbach Homberger, Anna
*04.07.1893 * 28.08.191903
Wehrle, Joh. Jakob oo 31.05.1877 Vogelbach Schleith, Anna Katharina
* 20.11.1846 * 07.10.1856
Wehrle, Joh. Jakob oo 10.09.1846 Vogelbach Schleith, Maria Katharina
* 07.11.1818 * 10.12.1824
Wehrle, Joh. Georg oo 05.09.1822 Vogelbach Osswald, Kunigunde
* 07.05.1781 * 13.03.1797
Wehrlin, Matthias oo 26.02.1760 Vogelbach Giesin, Anna
* 18.09.1730 * 18.03.1738
Wehrlin, Michael oo 18.11.1721 Vogelbach Vollmer, Verena
* 24.12.1698 * 18.07.1701
Wehrlin, Matthias oo 03.09.1693 Vogelbach Osswald, Verena
* 21.10.1658 * 16.09.1660
Wehrlin, Johannes oo vor 1652 Vogelbach Boesch, Maria
* 01.09.1611 * um 1618
Wehrlin, Lentz oo 28.02.1603 Marzell Leisinger, Maria
* um 1570 * 1569
Wehrlin, Hans oo vor 1570 Kandern NN
+ 06.01.1595
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Fred | WEHRLIN, Matthias (I07456)
9102 |
Per Fred Wehrle's notes:
0 0 Wehrlin, Matthias, Bauer <8265>
* : 18 Sep 1730 Luetschenbach + : 9 Okt 1817 Luetschenba
V: Wehrlin, Michael M: Vollmer, Vere
oo: 1) 26 Feb 1760 Vogelbach "2135"
0 0 Gisin, Anna, <2273>
* : 18 Mar 1738 Lausbuehl + : 6 Mar 1822 Luetschenba
V: Gisin Fritz M: Graf Mar
1. Wehrlin, Michael, Weidgeselle * 1761+ 1836 <8280>
2. Wehrlin, Fritz, * 1762+ 1844 <8281>
3. Wehrlin, Johann Jacob, * 1765+ 1769 <8283>
4. Wehrlin, Matthias, * 1767+ 1842 <8282>
5. Wehrlin, Johann Jacob, * 1769+ 1841 <8284>
6. Wehrlin, Anna Maria, * 1771+ 1772 <8285>
7. Wehrlin, Catharina, * 1775+ 1857 <3323>
8. Wehrlin, Anna Maria, * 1775+ 1854 <4514>
9. Wehrlin, Verena, * 1777+ 1778 <8286>
10. Wehrlin, Johann Georg, * 1781+ 1853 <8287>
From: Wehrle)
To: Janet
Subject: Re: Kiefer Bild
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 12:02:41 +0200
Hallo Janet,
vielen herzlichen Dank. Leider kann ich die Dateien mit den Bildern nic
oeffnen. Schade!
Hier meine Wehrle Vorfahren Linie: (in Kurzform)
Wehrle, Fred oo 21.06.1980 Schloss Buergeln Groetz, Saskia
* 28.6.1955 (4 children) 26.11.1961
Wehrle, Werner oo 25.04.1953 Vogelbach Pick, Inge
*28.06.1928 26.01.1931
Wehrle, Ernst oo 27.03.1924 Vogelbach Homberger, Anna
*04.07.1893 * 28.08.191903
Wehrle, Joh. Jakob oo 31.05.1877 Vogelbach Schleith, Anna Katharina
* 20.11.1846 * 07.10.1856
Wehrle, Joh. Jakob oo 10.09.1846 Vogelbach Schleith, Maria Katharina
* 07.11.1818 * 10.12.1824
Wehrle, Joh. Georg oo 05.09.1822 Vogelbach Osswald, Kunigunde
* 07.05.1781 * 13.03.1797
Wehrlin, Matthias oo 26.02.1760 Vogelbach Giesin, Anna
* 18.09.1730 * 18.03.1738
Wehrlin, Michael oo 18.11.1721 Vogelbach Vollmer, Verena
* 24.12.1698 * 18.07.1701
Wehrlin, Matthias oo 03.09.1693 Vogelbach Osswald, Verena
* 21.10.1658 * 16.09.1660
Wehrlin, Johannes oo vor 1652 Vogelbach Boesch, Maria
* 01.09.1611 * um 1618
Wehrlin, Lentz oo 28.02.1603 Marzell Leisinger, Maria
* um 1570 * 1569
Wehrlin, Hans oo vor 1570 Kandern NN
+ 06.01.1595
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Fred | GISIN, Anna (Giesin) (I07457)
9103 |
Per Fred Wehrle's notes:
0 0 Wehrlin, Michael, Bauer <8259>
* : 1724 Luetschenbachuvw + : 1 Mar 1801 Luetschenba
V: Wehrlin, Matthias M: Breh, Barba
oo: 1) 14 Feb 1747 Vogelbach ?2134?
0 0 Asal, Catharina, <8277>
* : 23 Jan 1726 Buerchau + : 18 Mar 1792 Luetschenba
V: M:
1. Wehrlin, Matthias, * 1748+ 1750 <8278>
2. Wehrlin, Maria, * 1749+ 1812 <3279>
3. Wehrlin, Barbara, * 1752+ 1759 <8279> | WEHRLIN, Michael (I07478)
9104 |
Per Fred Wehrle's notes:
0 0 Wehrlin, Michael, Bauer <8259>
* : 1724 Luetschenbachuvw + : 1 Mar 1801 Luetschenba
V: Wehrlin, Matthias M: Breh, Barba
oo: 1) 14 Feb 1747 Vogelbach ?2134?
0 0 Asal, Catharina, <8277>
* : 23 Jan 1726 Buerchau + : 18 Mar 1792 Luetschenba
V: M:
1. Wehrlin, Matthias, * 1748+ 1750 <8278>
2. Wehrlin, Maria, * 1749+ 1812 <3279>
3. Wehrlin, Barbara, * 1752+ 1759 <8279> | ASAL, Catharina (I07479)
9105 |
Per Fred Wehrle's notes:
0 0 Weiss, (Wyss), Urban, <8356>
* : 1550(ERROR???) + : 15
V: M:
oo: 1) 1570 "2157"
0 0 Wanner, Kuengold, <835
* : + : 18 Mar 1597 Kaltenba
V: M:
1. Weiss, Magaretha, * 1555+ 1614 <7256>
2. Weiss, Martin, * 1557+ 1623 <8358>
3. Weiss, Maria, * 1567+ <8359>
4. Weiss, NN, * + 1577 <8360>
5. Weiss, NN, * + 1577 <8361>
6. Weiss, NN, * + 1577 <8362> | WANNER, Kuengold (I07389)
9106 |
Per Fred Wehrle's notes:
0 0 Weiss, (Wyss), Urban, <8356>
* : 15509ERROR???) + : 15
V: M:
oo: 1) 1570 "2157"
0 0 Wanner, Kuengold, <835
* : + : 18 Mar 1597 Kaltenba
V: M:
1. Weiss, Magaretha, * 1555+ 1614 <7256>
2. Weiss, Martin, * 1557+ 1623 <8358>
3. Weiss, Maria, * 1567+ <8359>
4. Weiss, NN, * + 1577 <8360>
5. Weiss, NN, * + 1577 <8361>
6. Weiss, NN, * + 1577 <8362> | WEISS, Urban (Wyss) (I07388)
9107 |
Per Fred Wehrle's notes:
0 0 Wehrlin, Michael, Weidgeselle <8280>
* : 1 Mar 1761 Luetschenbach + : 26 Mai 1836 Luetschenba
V: Wehrlin, Matthias M: Gisin, An
oo: 1) 5 Apr 1791 Vogelbach "2142"
0 0 Homberger, Maria Catharina, <328
* : 1 Jul 1769 Luetschenbach + : 22 Mar 1825 Luetschenba
V: Homberger Johannes M: Wehrlin Mar
1. Wehrlin, Michael, * 1793+ 1847 <8303>
2. Wehrlin, Maria Catharina, * 1794+ 1857 <7332>
3. Wehrlin, Anna Maria, * 1798+ 1878 <8304>
4. Wehrlin, Barbara, * 1800+ 1873 <8305>
5. Wehrlin, Matthias, * 1802+ 1865 <8306>
6. Wehrlin, Johann Jacob, * 1812+ 1846 <8307> | WEHRLIN, Michael (I07199)
9108 |
Per Fred Wehrle's notes:
0 0 Wehrlin, Michael, Weidgeselle <8280>
* : 1 Mar 1761 Luetschenbach + : 26 Mai 1836 Luetschenba
V: Wehrlin, Matthias M: Gisin, An
oo: 1) 5 Apr 1791 Vogelbach "2142"
0 0 Homberger, Maria Catharina, <328
* : 1 Jul 1769 Luetschenbach + : 22 Mar 1825 Luetschenba
V: Homberger Johannes M: Wehrlin Mar
1. Wehrlin, Michael, * 1793+ 1847 <8303>
2. Wehrlin, Maria Catharina, * 1794+ 1857 <7332>
3. Wehrlin, Anna Maria, * 1798+ 1878 <8304>
4. Wehrlin, Barbara, * 1800+ 1873 <8305>
5. Wehrlin, Matthias, * 1802+ 1865 <8306>
6. Wehrlin, Johann Jacob, * 1812+ 1846 <8307> | HOMBERGER, Maria Catharina (I07200)
9109 |
Per Fred Wehrle's notes:
0 0 Breh, (Bree, Pree), Georg, Koehler <893>
* : 1623 Marzelluvw + : 8 Feb 1701 Luetschenba
V: Breh, Clauss M: Schlatter, Anna
oo: 2) 13 Mar 1671 Schneider, Barbara <911> ?232?
oo: 1) 28 Feb 1648 Kaltenbach ?231?
0 0 Meyer, Anna, <897>
* : 1626 Luetschenbachuvw + : 13 Sep 1670 Luetschenba
V: Meyer Georg M: Schumacher An
1. Breh, Anna, * 1648+ 1648 <898>
2. Breh, Niclauss, * 1649+ <899>
3. Breh, Georg, * 1650+ 1650 <900>
4. Breh, Friedrich, * 1651+ <901>
5. Breh, Jacob, * 1653+ <902>
6. Breh, Maria, * 1654+ 1654 <903>
7. Breh, Johannes, Gerichter * 1655+ 1727 <904>
8. Breh, Maria, Hebamme * 1656+ 1726 <905>
9. Breh, Anna, * 1658+ 1718 <56>
10. Breh, Barbara, * 1659+ <906>
11. Breh, Michael, * 1661+ <907>
12. Breh, Johann Pauli, * 1663+ 1715 <908>
13. Breh, Martin, * 1666+ 1693 <909>
14. Breh, Georg, * 1667+ 1704 <910> | BREH, Georg (Bree Pree) (I07564)
9110 |
Per Fred Wehrle's notes:
0 0 Breh, (Bree, Pree), Georg, Koehler <893>
* : 1623 Marzelluvw + : 8 Feb 1701 Luetschenba
V: Breh, Clauss M: Schlatter, Anna
oo: 2) 13 Mar 1671 Schneider, Barbara <911> ?232?
oo: 1) 28 Feb 1648 Kaltenbach ?231?
0 0 Meyer, Anna, <897>
* : 1626 Luetschenbachuvw + : 13 Sep 1670 Luetschenba
V: Meyer Georg M: Schumacher An
1. Breh, Anna, * 1648+ 1648 <898>
2. Breh, Niclauss, * 1649+ <899>
3. Breh, Georg, * 1650+ 1650 <900>
4. Breh, Friedrich, * 1651+ <901>
5. Breh, Jacob, * 1653+ <902>
6. Breh, Maria, * 1654+ 1654 <903>
7. Breh, Johannes, Gerichter * 1655+ 1727 <904>
8. Breh, Maria, Hebamme * 1656+ 1726 <905>
9. Breh, Anna, * 1658+ 1718 <56>
10. Breh, Barbara, * 1659+ <906>
11. Breh, Michael, * 1661+ <907>
12. Breh, Johann Pauli, * 1663+ 1715 <908>
13. Breh, Martin, * 1666+ 1693 <909>
14. Breh, Georg, * 1667+ 1704 <910> | MEYER, Anna (I07565)
9111 |
Per Fred Wehrle's notes:
0 0 Osswald, Claus, <5299>
* : 1622 Wambach + : 21 Mai 1698 Wamba
V: Osswald, Christian M: Bertschin, Vere
oo: 1) 1649 Braendlin, Ursula <5353> "1369"
oo: 2) 28 Jan 1656 Hartmann, Ursula <5355> "1370"
oo: 3) 4 Feb 1661 Grether, Verena <5358> "1371"
oo: 4) 6 Jun 1664 Demberg "1372"
0 0 Huber, Barbara, <535
* : CH Kanton Zuerich +
V: M:
1. Osswald, Verena, * 1665+ 1737 <2216>
2. Osswald, Eva, * 1666+ <5360>
3. Osswald, Oswald, * 1667+ 1718 <5361>
4. Osswald, Christian, * 1669+ <5362>
5. Osswald, Claus, St. Blaesischer Meyer * 1671+ 1698 <5363>
6. Osswald, Michael, * 1672+ <5364>
7. Osswald, Martin, * 1674+ 1726 <5365>
8. Osswald, Friederich, * 1677+ 1713 <5366>
9. Osswald, Barbara, * 1679+ 1731 <5367>
10. Osswald, Andreas, * 1681+ 1715 <5368>
11. Osswald, Eva, * 1684+ 1724 <5369>
Per Fred Wehrle's 3~12.wps file:
0 0 Osswald, Claus, <5299>
* : 1622 Wambach + : 21 Mai 1698 Wamba
V: Osswald, Christian M: Bertschin, Vere
oo: 1) 1649 Braendlin, Ursula <5353> ?1369?
oo: 2) 28 Jan 1656 Hartmann, Ursula <5355> ?1370?
oo: 3) 4 Feb 1661 Grether, Verena <5358> ?1371?
oo: 4) 6 Jun 1664 Demberg ?1372?
0 0 Huber, Barbara, <535
* : CH Kanton Zuerich +
V: M:
1. Osswald, Verena, * 1665+ 1737 <2216>
2. Osswald, Eva, * 1666+ <5360>
3. Osswald, Oswald, * 1667+ 1718 <5361>
4. Osswald, Christian, * 1669+ <5362>
5. Osswald, Claus, St. Blaesischer Meyer * 1671+ 1698 <5363>
6. Osswald, Michael, * 1672+ <5364>
7. Osswald, Martin, * 1674+ 1726 <5365>
8. Osswald, Friederich, * 1677+ 1713 <5366>
9. Osswald, Barbara, * 1679+ 1731 <5367>
10. Osswald, Andreas, * 1681+ 1715 <5368>
11. Osswald, Eva, * 1684+ 1724 <5369>
| OSSWALD, Claus (I07316)
9112 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I07317)
9113 |
Per Fred Wehrle's notes:
0 0 Osswald, Jacob, <5302>
* : 1630 Wambachuvw + : 24 Nov 1705 Wamba
V: Osswald, Christian M: Bertschin, Vere
oo: 2) 25 Mai 1685 Tschurter, Barbara <5351> ?1367?
oo: 3) 26 Jun 1703 Doerflinger, Catharina <5352> ?1368?
oo: 1) 10 Dez 1657 Demberg ?1366?
0 0 Braendlin, (Brendlin), Maria, <86
* : 1631 Wies + : 31 Jul 1683
V: Braendlin Hans M: Stiegelin Maria
1. Osswald, Eva, * 1658+ <5342>
2. Osswald, Christian, * 1660+ 1729 <5343>
3. Osswald, Verena, * 1660+ 1740 <5344>
4. Osswald, Maria, * 1663+ 1723 <170>
5. Osswald, Hans, * 1664+ <5345>
6. Osswald, Barbara, * 1666+ 1724 <187>
7. Osswald, Catharina, * 1668+ 1727 <2212>
8. Osswald, Johann Jacob, Gerichter; Waisenrichter * 1670+ 1748 <5346>
9. Osswald, Claus, * 1672+ 1672 <5347>
10. Osswald, Michael, Weidg.; Gerichtsadv.; Gericht * 1673+ 1735 <5348>
11. Osswald, Martin, Sigrist * 1678+ 1764 <5349>
12. Osswald, Anna, * 1679+ 1757 <2643>
13. Osswald, Friederich, * 1681+ <5350> | OSSWALD, Jacob (I01583)
9114 |
Per Fred Wehrle's notes:
0 0 Osswald, Jacob, <5302>
* : 1630 Wambachuvw + : 24 Nov 1705 Wamba
V: Osswald, Christian M: Bertschin, Vere
oo: 2) 25 Mai 1685 Tschurter, Barbara <5351> ?1367?
oo: 3) 26 Jun 1703 Doerflinger, Catharina <5352> ?1368?
oo: 1) 10 Dez 1657 Demberg ?1366?
0 0 Braendlin, (Brendlin), Maria, <86
* : 1631 Wies + : 31 Jul 1683
V: Braendlin Hans M: Stiegelin Maria
1. Osswald, Eva, * 1658+ <5342>
2. Osswald, Christian, * 1660+ 1729 <5343>
3. Osswald, Verena, * 1660+ 1740 <5344>
4. Osswald, Maria, * 1663+ 1723 <170>
5. Osswald, Hans, * 1664+ <5345>
6. Osswald, Barbara, * 1666+ 1724 <187>
7. Osswald, Catharina, * 1668+ 1727 <2212>
8. Osswald, Johann Jacob, Gerichter; Waisenrichter * 1670+ 1748 <5346>
9. Osswald, Claus, * 1672+ 1672 <5347>
10. Osswald, Michael, Weidg.; Gerichtsadv.; Gericht * 1673+ 1735 <5348>
11. Osswald, Martin, Sigrist * 1678+ 1764 <5349>
12. Osswald, Anna, * 1679+ 1757 <2643>
13. Osswald, Friederich, * 1681+ <5350> | BRAENDLIN, Maria (Brandler Brendlin) (I01585)
9115 |
Per Fred Wehrle's notes:
0 0 Wehrlin, (Wehrle; Werlin), Johannes, Kuebler <8239>
* : 1611 Marzelluvw + : 26 Dez 1693 Luetschenba
V: Wehrlin, Lentz M: Leisinger, Mar
oo: 1) 1650 ?2124?
0 0 Boesch, Maria, <810>
* : 1618 Marzell + : 26 Mar 1690
V: Boesch Georg M: N
1. Wehrlin, Johannes, * 1650+ <8243>
2. Wehrlin, Claus, * 1652+ <8244>
3. Wehrlin, Georg, * 1655+ 1708 <8245>
4. Wehrlin, Matthias, * 1658+ 1725 <8248>
5. Wehrlin, Michael, Gerichter * 1661+ 1704 <8246>
6. Wehrlin, Jacob, * 1665+ 1720 <8247>
From: (Wehrle)
To: Janet
Subject: Re: Kiefer Bild
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 12:02:41 +0200
Hallo Janet,
vielen herzlichen Dank. Leider kann ich die Dateien mit den Bildern nic
oeffnen. Schade!
Hier meine Wehrle Vorfahren Linie: (in Kurzform)
Wehrle, Fred oo 21.06.1980 Schloss Buergeln Groetz, Saskia
* 28.6.1955 (4 children) 26.11.1961
Wehrle, Werner oo 25.04.1953 Vogelbach Pick, Inge
*28.06.1928 26.01.1931
Wehrle, Ernst oo 27.03.1924 Vogelbach Homberger, Anna
*04.07.1893 * 28.08.191903
Wehrle, Joh. Jakob oo 31.05.1877 Vogelbach Schleith, Anna Katharina
* 20.11.1846 * 07.10.1856
Wehrle, Joh. Jakob oo 10.09.1846 Vogelbach Schleith, Maria Katharina
* 07.11.1818 * 10.12.1824
Wehrle, Joh. Georg oo 05.09.1822 Vogelbach Osswald, Kunigunde
* 07.05.1781 * 13.03.1797
Wehrlin, Matthias oo 26.02.1760 Vogelbach Giesin, Anna
* 18.09.1730 * 18.03.1738
Wehrlin, Michael oo 18.11.1721 Vogelbach Vollmer, Verena
* 24.12.1698 * 18.07.1701
Wehrlin, Matthias oo 03.09.1693 Vogelbach Osswald, Verena
* 21.10.1658 * 16.09.1660
Wehrlin, Johannes oo vor 1652 Vogelbach Boesch, Maria
* 01.09.1611 * um 1618
Wehrlin, Lentz oo 28.02.1603 Marzell Leisinger, Maria
* um 1570 * 1569
Wehrlin, Hans oo vor 1570 Kandern NN + 06.01.1595
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Fred | BOESCH, Maria (I07516)
9116 |
Per Hanno's Website:
ID: I10007
Name: Johann Jakob HOMBERGER
Sex: M
Birth: 1866 in Kaesacker
Death: 1922 in Kaesacker
Occupation: Wagner, Kirchengemeinderat
Change Date: 2000
Father: Johann Jakob HOMBERGER b: 1835 in Kaesacker Haus 2
Mother: Maria Katharina SCHAUER b: 1841 in Feuerbach
Marriage 1 Marie KIEFER b: 1877 in Vogelbach
Married: 1900 in Vogelbach
Anna HOMBERGER b: 1903 in Kaesacker | HOMBERGER, Johann Jakob (I01283)
9117 |
Per Hanno:
Bernhardt Schwald *8.8.1655 at Neuenweg, married 1677 Catharina Bleitner
(Bleickner/Pleickner)*1656 Neuenweg
From: "dave gudeman"
Cc: "Janet Schwald"
Subject: Bernhard Schwald/Katharina Blaitnerin family
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2002 10:03:44 -0500
Bernhard (not Bernhardt) Schwald was born in Neuenweg in 1655 to Jacob Schwald and Maria Kiefferin. He married Katharina Blaitnerin in about 1677, presumably in Neuenweg (marriage record not found). Their chuldren were:
1. Maria b. September 28, 1678, in Neuenweg to Bernhard Schwald and Catharina Bleutnerin. Maria died on May 5, 1679.
2. Verena b. January 26, 1680, in Neuenweg to Bernhard Schwald and Catharina Bleutnerin
3 Jacobus b. August 19, 1681, in Neuenweg to Bernhard Schwald and Catharina Bleutnerin
4. Bernhardt b. April 22, 1683, in Neuenweg to Bernhardt Schwaldt (yes, Bernhardt Schwaldt) and Catharina Bleictnerin. Bernhardt died on May 1, 1694
5. Michael b. July 25, 1685, in Neuenweg to Bernhard Schwald and Katharina Blaitnerin
6. Johannes b. April 8, 1687, in Neuenweg to Bernhardt Schwald and Catharina Bleitnerin. Johannes died on April 27, 1687
7.Johannes b. July 1, 1688, in Neuenweg to Bernhardt Schwaldt and Catharina Bleitnerin
8. Martin b. January 23, 1690, in Neuenweg to Bernhardt Schwald and Catharina Bleitnerin | SCHWALD, Bernhard (I00789)
9118 |
Per Hanno: Johann Bernhard Schwald *1713 - could that be Bernhard Schwald who
married 1752 at Wies Rosina Ruf from Demberg? Bernhard was "Buerger in
Wies" and lived in Neuenweg.
Relatives Fabian Trurnit
Entries: 19316 Updated: Tue Apr 9 01:11:12 2002
Contact: Hanno Trurnit
ID: I293
Name: Bernhard SCHWALD
Sex: M
Birth: ABT 1730 in Wies?
Occupation: Buerger in Wies, wohnhaft in Neuenweg
Change Date: 18 JAN 2002
Father: Michael SCHWALD b: 1685 in Neuenweg
Mother: Anna KNEUSSLEIN b: 1682 in Gersbach
Marriage 1 Rosina RUF b: ABT 1735 in Demberg
Married: 14 MAR 1752 in Wies
Martin SCHWALD b: MAR 1764 in Wies
Bernhard SCHWALD b: ABT 1755 in Wies?
Personal Information:
Occupation:Buerger in Wies, wohnhaft in Neuenweg
Johann Bernhard Schwald
Birth: 31 AUG 1713 Gersbach, Loerrach, Baden
Father: Michael Schwald Family
Mother: Anna Knussli
Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. | SCHWALD, Johann Bernhard (I01071)
9119 |
Per LDS File:
Sex: F
Birth: 8 Apr 1658
Heubronn, Loerrach, Baden
Father: Georg LEISINGER
Mother: Anna WAGNER
Sex: F
Spouse: Georg ZEH
Marriage: 24 Mar 1679
Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden | LEISINGER, Catarina (I00914)
9120 |
Per LDS File:
Sex: M
Birth: Abt. 1633
Of Heubronn, Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden
Father: Georg LEISINGER
Mother: Anna WAGNER | LEISINGER, Hans (I01027)
9121 |
Per LDS File:
Christening: 01 DEC 1709 Evangelisch, Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden
Father: Michel SCHWALD
Mother: Anna WUERGER -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record.
Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Typ
C936752 1688 - 1829 1189730 Film NONE
| SCHWALD, Anna (I00814)
9122 |
Per LDS Files:
Sex: F
Christening: 04 Dec 1698
Evangelisch, Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden
Father: Michael SCHWALD
Mother: Margaretha BANTZER | PANZER, Margaretha (I00746)
9123 |
Per LDS Files:
Sex: M
Birth: 9 Feb 1651
Heubronn, Loerrach, Baden
Father: Georg LEISINGER
Mother: Anna WAGNER | LEISINGER, Friedrich (I01024)
9124 |
Per LDS Files:
Sex: M
Birth: 28 Jun 1635
Heubronn, Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden
Father: Georg LEISINGER
Mother: Anna WAGNER | LEISINGER, George (I01025)
9125 |
Per LDS Files:
Sex: M
Birth: 1640
Heubronn, Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden
Father: Georg LEISINGER
Mother: Anna WAGNER | LEISINGER, Jacob (I01026)
9126 |
per LDS Files:
Sex: M
Spouse: Anna KIEFERIN
Marriage: Abt. 1647
Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden-Wuerttembe, Preussen | SCHWALD, Jakob (I00772)
9127 |
per LDS Files:
Sex: M
Spouse: Anna KIEFERIN
Marriage: Abt. 1647
Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden-Wuerttembe, Preussen | KIEFER, Maria (I00773)
9128 |
Per LDS Files:
Sex: F
Birth: 10 Mar 1644
Heubronn, Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden
Father: Georg LEISINGER
Mother: Anna WAGNER
also listed as born in Heubronn, Germany | LEISINGER, Maria (I01030)
9129 |
Per LDS Files:
Sex: F
Birth: 13 Feb 1676
Heubronn, Baden, Germany
Father: Kilian LEISINGER
Mother: Verena PIPP | LEISINGER, Verena (I01033)
9130 |
Per LDS Files:
Sex: M
Spouse: Anna WAGNER
Marriage: Abt. 1632
Of, Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden
Sex: M
Birth: 9 Feb 1651
Heubronn, Loerrach, Baden
Father: Georg LEISINGER
Mother: Anna WAGNER
Sex: M
Birth: 28 Jun 1635
Heubronn, Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden
Father: Georg LEISINGER
Mother: Anna WAGNER
Sex: M
Birth: 1640
Heubronn, Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden
Father: Georg LEISINGER
Mother: Anna WAGNER
Sex: M
Birth: Abt. 1633
Of Heubronn, Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden
Father: Georg LEISINGER
Mother: Anna WAGNER
Sex: F
Birth: 8 Apr 1658
Heubronn, Loerrach, Baden
Father: Georg LEISINGER
Mother: Anna WAGNER
Sex: M
Christening: 26 Mar 1648
Neuenweg, Baden, Germany
Father: Jerg LEISINGER
Mother: Anna WAGNER
Sex: F
Birth: 10 Mar 1644
Heubronn, Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden
Father: Georg LEISINGER
Mother: Anna WAGNER
Sex: F
Birth: 19 May 1639
Heubronn, Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden
Father: Georg LEISINGER
Mother: Anna WAGNER | LEISINGER, Georg (I00915)
9131 |
per LDS Files:
Male Family
Spouse: BARBARA WEISS Family
Marriage: 14 JUN 1729 Evangelisch, Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden
Sex: F
Christening: 03 Jul 1730
Evangelisch, Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden
Father: Martin SCHWALD
Mother: Barbara WEISS
Christening: 30 OCT 1746 Evangelisch, Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden
Mother: BARBARA WEISS | SCHWALD, Martin (I00811)
9132 |
Per LDS Site:
Johann Georg SCHWALD
Sex: M
Spouse: Maria LENZ
Marriage: 17 Sep 1738
Evangelisch, Wies, Loerrach, Baden
Possible her record??
Maria LENTZ (AFN: 104R-NRS) Pedigree
Sex: F Family
Birth: 28 Sep 1717
Sallneck, Loerrach, Baden, Germany
Father: Frederich Aka Fritz LENTZ (AFN: 104R-PCH) Family
Mother: Anna TREFZER (AFN: 104R
Maria LENTZ (AFN: 104R-NRS) Pedigree
Sex: F
BOX 609
HART MI Submission: AF93-102752
USA 49420
Ortssippenbuch of Tegernau | LENTZ, Maria (I00742)
9133 |
Per LDS site:
Johann Georg SCHWALD
Sex: M
Spouse: Maria LENZ
Marriage: 17 Sep 1738
Evangelisch, Wies, Loerrach, Baden
-----Original Message-----
From: christof schwald
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 7:13 PM
To: Roderick Schwald
Cc: Janet
Subject: Re: I am Back
Hi Roderick,
I'm glad to hear good news about your wife doing well and I have news for you:
Look in the old mail and find Johann Georg Schwald
He was born in 1715 in Gersbach and married Maria Lentz from Schwand in 1737. They lived in Wies-Fischenberg (You've been there the day we met first) and had eight children:
Magdalena * 1738 Schwand
Anna * 1741 Schwand + 1752
Maria * 1742 Fischenberg + 1742
Johann Georg *1743 Fischenberg (your line)
Johann Jacob * 1745 Fischenberg
Maria * 1746 Fischenberg
Margaretha * 1749 Fischenberg
Johann Friedrich * 1751 Fischenberg (my line)
The parents of Johann Georg Schwald were:
Michael Schwald, * 1685 Neuenweg, + 1745 Gersbach
married in 1711 in Gersbach
Anna Kneusslin, * 1682 Gersbach, + 1759 Gersbach, daughter of Hans Kneusslin and Anna Meyer in Gersbach
The parents of Michael Schwald were:
Bernhard Schwald, * 1655 Neuenweg, + ?
married 1677 in Neuenweg
Catharina Bleickner, *1656 in Neuenweg, daughter of Jacob Bleickner and Verena Zeh from Neuenweg
The parents of Bernhard Schwald were:
Jacob Schwald, *1614 in Neuenweg, + 1686 in Neuenweg
married 1643 in Neuenweg
Maria Kiefer, *1613 in Neuenweg, + 1677 in Neuenweg
They had twelve children!
I think Werner Schwalds line goes from one of this children. May be all Schwald lines go from this Jacob Schwald. There are no church books before 1600, so we can't go on now! I think it's ok here. Not everybody has a Stammbaum to 1613 but we have!
Another interesting thing is, how Michael Schwald came to Gersbach wich is about two days-walks from Neuenweg. Gersbach is like Neuenweg in The high black-forrest. I think that he had to go there as a boy in the summertime to keep care for the cows of other farmers. Poor people with many children used to give some children away in summer to other farmers. So they didn't have to feed them this time. Often those "cowboys" went all summer to the same farm and often married in the village or even in the family of the farmer.
Michaels son Johann Georg went back to the area his father was born. May be he found his wife when he joined a wedding of a cousin or an other festival.
Now you can complete your Stammbaum with 12 generations! Wish you a good work! Christof
From: dgudeman
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2002 3:49 PM
To: Roderick Schwald
Subject: Johann Georg Schwald -Maria Lenzin family
Per Christof:
Look in the old mail and find Johann Georg Schwald
He was born in 1715 in Gersbach and married Maria Lentz from Schwand in 1737. They lived in Wies-Fischenberg (You've been there the day we met first) and had eight children:
Magdalena * 1738 Schwand
Anna * 1741 Schwand + 1752
Maria * 1742 Fischenberg + 1742
Johann Georg *1743 Fischenberg (your line)
Johann Jacob * 1745 Fischenberg
Maria * 1746 Fischenberg
Margaretha * 1749 Fischenberg
Johann Friedrich * 1751 Fischenberg (my line)
The parents of Johann Georg Schwald were:
Michael Schwald, * 1685 Neuenweg, + 1745 Gersbach
married in 1711 in Gersbach
Anna Kneusslin, * 1682 Gersbach, + 1759 Gersbach, daughter of Hans Kneusslin and Anna Meyer in Gersbach
The parents of Michael Schwald were:
Bernhard Schwald, * 1655 Neuenweg, + ?
married 1677 in Neuenweg
Catharina Bleickner, *1656 in Neuenweg, daughter of Jacob Bleickner and Verena Zeh from Neuenweg
The parents of Bernhard Schwald were:
Jacob Schwald, *1614 in Neuenweg, + 1686 in Neuenweg
married 1643 in Neuenweg
Maria Kiefer, *1613 in Neuenweg, + 1677 in Neuenweg
They had twelve children!
I think Werner Schwalds line goes from one of this children. May be all Schwald lines go from this Jacob Schwald. There are no church books before 1600, so we can't go on now! I think it's ok here. Not everybody has a Stammbaum to 1613 but we have!
Another interesting thing is, how Michael Schwald came to Gersbach wich is about two days-walks from Neuenweg. Gersbach is like Neuenweg in The high black-forrest. I think that he had to go there as a boy in the summertime to keep care for the cows of other farmers. Poor people with many children used to give some children away in summer to other farmers. So they didn't have to feed them this time. Often those "cowboys" went all summer to the same farm and often married in the village or even in the family of the farmer.
Michaels son Johann Georg went back to the area his father was born. May be he found his wife when he joined a wedding of a cousin or an other festival.
per email:
Johann Georg Schwald of Grenzach married Maria Lenzin of Schwand in Wies on September 17, 1738. The father of Johann Georg was Michel Schwaldin of Grenzach (shown as Greszach) and an unnamed mother. The father of Maria was Michel Lenzin and an unnamed mother. The children of Johann Georg and Maria were:
1. Maria, born in Fischenberg on September 20, 1742. (The father was shown as Hans Jerg.)
2. Johann Georg, born in Fischenberg on September 10, 1743. (The father is shown as Hans Jerg.)
3. Johann Jacob, born in Fischenberg on January 11, 1744. (The father was shown as Johann Georg.)
4. Maria, born in Fischenberg on August 6, 1746. (The father was shown as Johann Georg.)
5. Margaretha, born in Fischenberg on February 20, 1748. (The father was shown as Johann Georg.)
6. Friedrich, born in Fischenberg on May, 24, 1750. (The father was shown as Hans Georg.)
All data are from roll #1189732.
I suspect that other children were born between 1738 and 1742 in, perhaps, Grenzach or Schwand. It was highly unusual for a couple to wait four years before having their first child, and it was even not at all uncommon for the bride to be pregnant at the time of the marriage.
What micro-film rolls have you ordered?
I have some reservations about Grenzach. It is spelled in an unusual way on the marriage record and it is a long way from Fischenberg and Schwand. Althoug there is no other name spelled even close to it, further research needs to verify it.
Johann Georg SCHWALD
Sex: M
Spouse: Maria LENZ
Marriage: 17 Sep 1738
Evangelisch, Wies, Loerrach, Baden
Batch number: Dates Source Call No. Type Printout Call No. Type
M936741 1738-1833 1189732 | SCHWALD, Johann "Hanss Hannss Jerg" Georg (I00741)
9134 |
PER MARIE NORTHRUP: 1833 Burial record lists her as an adult [most likely means older than 13-JSR] | VALDEZ, Maria Trinidad (I21381)
9135 |
Per Melissa Marlow Devins notes December 2002:
Donald Nelson MARLOW SR [Parents] [image] was born on 16 Feb 1938 in Seattle, Washington. He died on 2 May 2002 in Seattle, Washington from Brain Hemorage and was buried on 8 May 2002 in Acacia Cemetery, Seattle, King, Washington. Donald married Sharon Lee OLSON on 19 Sep 1958 in Seattle, Washington.
Sharon Lee OLSON [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Colleen Lynn MARLOW
M ii Donald Nelson MARLOW JR
F iii Melissa Lee MARLOW | MARLOW, Donald Nelson (Sr.) (I08379)
9136 |
Per Michael Phelps, rootsweb: Juana Chavez - NM to Los Angeles
20 Feb 2001 This family is documented in Fray Angelico Chavez's books about NM families and his, Chavez - A Distinctive American Clan of New Mexico.
| CHAVEZ, Julian Antonio (I10375)
9137 |
Per Per Alex Gryzwacki, volunteer researcher Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society and Project Researcher on the lost graves of the men who served during the Civil War with the 1st Battalion Native California Calvary,Company C:
"[Viviana] was a dance hall girl at one time when she was young, her name "Dance Hall Girl"
Per Montecito Journal, April 20, 2006
The Sanchez Compound
The Montecito Fire District's new compound encompasses three of Spanish Town's historic buildings: the Alameda Saloon, a grocery store and a building whose original use is unconfirmed. Disputing sources claim it was a barn, a dance hall, a blacksmithery, a boarding house and a bordello.
What is known about the early years of the ownership is spotty. A pre-1900 assessor's map shows Viviana (Bibiana) Sanchez as the owner.
In 1897, Vicente A. Juarez ran the grocery and in 1901 he ran the saloon.
By 1912, both Viviana Sanchez and Vicente A. Juarez lived on the property and Viviana ran the grocery.
After Viviana's death in 1936, Vicente shared the house with Viviana son, Alfredo Romero.
In 1941, Viviana's son Jose Alfonso Romero was the owner.
By 1951, Alfonso shared ownership with his cousin, A. R. Graham.
In 1958, Alfonso lived in the old saloon and Victor Leon Lopez, another son of Viviana, lived in the house at the back of the compound.
Eventually, the compound passed out of the hands of Viviana's many descendants.
Pedro Loreto and Viviana had nine children between 1870 and 1885. They separated but, being Catholic, could not divorce. Viviana entered into common law marriages with three other men, and bore five more children.
| SANCHEZ, Maria "Viviana" (I15754)
9138 |
PER RECORD IMAGE - MARRIAGE PLACE: Justice of the Peace lists place of marriage as Sawtelle, Malibu Township, Los Angeles County, California | Family: STROHM, George R. / TAPIA, Vicenta "Bessie" (F5770)
9139 |
Per Rod's Website:
(Anna Maria Wagner (daughter of Hans Jacob Wagner and Anna Barbara Lensin)14. She married Johann "Hans" Georg Schwald on 27 September 1768 in Demberg, Germany14,
son of Johann Georg Schwald and Maria Lenzin.
More About Anna Maria Wagner and Johann "Hans" Georg Schwald:
Marriage: 27 September 1768, Demberg, Germany.
Children of Anna Maria Wagner and Johann "Hans" Georg Schwald are:
Johann Georg Schwald, b. 30 June 1769, Fischenberg, Germany.
Johann Jacob Schwald, b. 16 June 1770, Fischenberg, Germany.
+Friedrich "Fritz or Friz" Schwald, b. 13 September 1772, Fischenberg, Germany, d. 19 December 1839.)
Hans Jacob Wagner. He married Anna Barbara Lensin.
Notes for Hans Jacob Wagner:
Occupation was a Nagler (a Blacksmith who made nails)
Children of Hans Jacob Wagner and Anna Barbara Lensin are:
+Anna Maria Wagner
From: Wehrle
To: Janet
Cc: H.Trurnit
Subject: Re: Fwd: Our Relationship to Dieter
From: "dave gudeman"
To: "Janet
Subject: Anna Maria Wagner
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 06:01:04 -0500
As Fred Wehrle states, the mother of Anna Maria Wagner (Johann Georg Schwald's wife) was Barbara Osswaldin. She was a daughter of Simon Osswald of Kaltenbach. Hans Jacob Wagner of Malsburg (spelled Mahlsburg) and Barbara Osswaldin were married on June 16, 1744, probably in Kaltenbach, since Malsburg has no church. Fred emphatically states that Johann Jakob Wagner was a farmer, not a Nagler. I wonder where he picked up this information. On the marriage record of Johann George Schwald and Anna Maria Wagner in 1764, it very clearly states Hans Jacob Wagner was a Nagler. I found no mention that he was a farmer.
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002 09:42:03 +0200
falsch: Johann Jakob Wagner oo Anna Barbara Lensin
richtig: Johann Jakob Wagner oo 16.06.1744 Vogelbach Barbara Osswald !!
er war nicht Nagler, sondern Bauer in Malsburg und Vogt der Vogt
Per Fred Wehrle's list 3~12.wps
0 0 Wagner, Johann Jacob, Vogt <7951>
* : 11 Okt 1717 Malsburg + : 31 Jul 1802 Malsbu
V: Wagner, Johannes M: Hafner, Vere
oo: 1) 16 Jun 1744 Vogelbach ?2059?
0 0 Osswald, Barbara, <546
* : 1725 Kaltenbachuvw + : 5 Mar 1785 Malsbu
V: Osswald Simon M: Wagner, An
1. Wagner, Anna Maria, * 27 Feb 1745+ 1799 <7989>
2. Wagner, Johannes, * 21 Feb 1746+ 1748 <7990>
3. Wagner, Verena, * 9 Apr 1747+ 1775 <7991>
4. Wagner, Barbara, * 28 Feb 1749+ 1750 <7992>
5. Wagner, Simon, * 18 Sep 1750+ 1795 <7993>
6. Wagner, Johann Jacob, Vogt * 4 Feb 1753+ 1825 <7994>
7. Wagner, Kunigunde, * 16 Sep 1758+ 1775 <7995>
8. Wagner, Friedrich, Gerichter * 27 Dez 1766+ 1838 <7996>
From: "dave gudeman"
To: "Janet"
Subject: Re: Anna Maria Wagner
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 18:59:26 -0500
It may well be that Hans Jacob and Barbara were married in Vogelbach, but the record of their marriage does not so state. Both Vogelbach and Kaltenbach have churches, and, since Hans Jacob was from Kaltenbach, I felt that the odds favored the Kaltenbach church. Keep in mind that the little church in Vogelbach kept the vital records of both churches, and it may well be that Fred is confusing the place of recording with the place where the ceremony was performed. But surely, Fred must be well familiar with the fact that the Vogelbach church was the custodian of the records for both churches.
Neither does the marriage record reveal that Hans Jacob was a Vogt, which makes me wonder all the more what set of records Fred is working with.
A Vogt is somewhat like a Mayor. A Vogtei is something like an administrative office. The little village of Vogelbach had a stature out of proportion to its size. In addition to the Vogelbach and Kaltenbach churches, Vogelbach was the custodian of the records also for the Marzell church until the latter part of the 18th century, when Marzell started keeping its own records. I have a theory for the elevated position of Vogelbach. The Sausenburg Casthe is across a valley from Vogelbach and, in fact, the ruins can be seen from Vogelbach to this day. I believe that, because of its proximity to the castle, it was assigned the Vogtei centuries ago and, with it, the responibility for keeping the vital records.
From: "dave gudeman"
To: "Janet
Subject: Anna Maria Wagner
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 06:01:04 -0500
As Fred Wehrle states, the mother of Anna Maria Wagner (Johann Georg Schwald's wife) was Barbara Osswaldin. She was a daughter of Simon Osswald of Kaltenbach. Hans Jacob Wagner of Malsburg (spelled Mahlsburg) and Barbara Osswaldin were married on June 16, 1744, probably in Kaltenbach, since Malsburg has no church. Fred emphatically states that Johann Jakob Wagner was a farmer, not a Nagler. I wonder where he picked up this information. On the marriage record of Johann George Schwald and Anna Maria Wagner in 1764, it very clearly states Hans Jacob Wagner was a Nagler. I found no mention that he was a farmer. | OSSWALD, Barbara (I07274)
9140 |
- Her witness:...Juan Jose Alviso- criado en San Miguel de Horcasitas, casado, "mataron a su marido en el Rancho de Cornelio [They killed her husband in the Ranch of Cornelio]" | NUNEZ, Francisco (I23415)
9141 |
- "Padre writes that ego "era casada y dexo su Marido." --kdc." | Family: INDIO, Tomas Pantaleon / INDIA, Francisca (F7379)
9142 |
PERFORMED AT RANCHERIA DE COSOY (para q. conste lo firme en S. Diego 18 de Enero de 1777, Fr. Vicente Fuster) | Family: INDIO, Estevan / INDIA, Juaquina (F7381)
9143 |
Personal Information:
Occupation :Kettenhaendler Vorderheubronn®ion=8®ionfriendly=&juris1=&juris2=&juris3=&juris4=®ionfriendly=&juris1friendly=&juris2friendly=&juris3friendly=&juris4friendly=
IGI Individual Record FamilySearch? International Genealogical Index v5
Christening: 05 AUG 1742 Evangelisch, Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden
Death: 30 NOV 1813
Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date.
Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Typ
C936752 1688 - 1829 1189730 Film NONE®ion=8®ionfriendly=&juris1=&juris2=&juris3=&juris4=®ionfriendly=&juris1friendly=&juris2friendly=&juris3friendly=&juris4friendly=
IGI Individual Record FamilySearch? International Genealogical Index v5.0
Johannes Schwald
Male Family
Birth: 05 AUG 1742 Neuenweg, , , Germany
Death: 30 NOV 1813
Spouse: Anna Trefzer Family
Marriage: 14 JAN 1772 Neuenweg, , , Germany
Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter
| SCHWALD, Johannes (I00830)
9144 |
Personal Information:
Occupation :Koehler in Kuehlenbronn | NIEFENTHALER, Michel (I00802)
9145 |
Personal Information:
Occupation: Beck in Brombach u.Neuenweg | WEISS, Hans (I00781)
9146 |
Personal Information:
Occupation: Brunnenmacher
| SICK, Georg (I00809)
9147 |
Personal Information:
Occupation: Buerger Heubronn | KIEFER, Christian (I00764)
9148 |
Personal Information:
Occupation: Buerger in Kastel 1690 | HOTZ, Hans (I00851)
9149 |
Personal Information:
Occupation: Buerger in Vorderheubronn | TREFZER, Johannes (I00847)
9150 |
Personal Information:
Occupation: Siegrist in St. Nicolaus
Wendelsteinstrasse 6, D-82031 Gruenwald Hanno Trurnit Hanno Trurnit | LEUS, Christophorus (I00752)