Matches 2,701 to 2,750 of 10,245
# |
Notes |
Linked to |
2701 |
- Birth date aligns with Junipero LOPEZ's birthdate
- Born and raised in Santa Barbara, same place children were married
- Cannot any other Susana Juarez in the mission records in this age group | JUAREZ, Maria Susana (I19784)
2702 |
CORRECT VICENTE REYES: UNSUBSTANTIATED but MOST LIKELY this Vicente Reyes is the son of Gabriel De Los Reyes and Vicenta Gonzalez. | Family: REYES, Vicente de los / RONGEL, Gilibalda (F5524)
2703 |
UNSUBSTANTIATED but MOST LIKLEY Maria de Jesus de los Angeles Lopez is the wife of Agustin Valenzuela.
- 1850 Census; Maria de Jesus Lopez is living with parents Mariano Lopez and Maria Antonia Cordero in Santa Barbara
- 1870 Census; Maria is listed as Maria J Valenzuela, age 32 (est. birth year 1838)
- 1900 Census; Maria lists birth date as May 1839 | Family: VALENZUELA, Agustin / LOPEZ, Maria de Jesus de los Angeles (F6103)
2704 |
- Only Mariana DOMINGUEZ in the mission records
- Baptized, Confirmed & Married in Santa Barbara | Family: MAYEN, Antonio / PICO JUAREZ, Mariana de los Desamparados Dominguez (F6517)
2705 |
- This Bernardina LORENZANA is the only person with this name & age group found in the mission records | Family: JUAREZ, Jose "Arcadio" / LORENZANA, Bernardina (F7114)
2706 |
CORRECT WIFE OF FREDERICK BUTT: UNSUBSTANTIATED, but MOST LIKELY Elvira DOMINGUEZ, daughter of Pedro DOMINGUEZ and Magdalena Carlota ARELLANES is the wife of Frederick Butt.
- 1870 Census:
-- Spelling of first name is Elvina, MOST LIKELY ERROR, should be Elvira
-- Elvira's age listed as 11 (est. yob 1859)
- Marriage record lists birth year as 1859
- No other Elvira DOMINGUEZ found in Santa Barbara area during this time frame | Family: BUTT, Frederick / DOMINGUEZ, Elvira (F6462)
2707 |
May be Juana OLIVAS/OLIVARES b. 1844 or her sister Prudencia OLIVARES b. 1847 | Family: SILVAS, Jose Maria / OLIVAS OLIVARES, Juana (F6914)
2708 |
UNSUBSTANTIATED, but MOST LIKELY Maria Antonia Dominguez, b. 1837 is the wife of Juan Anastacio Valdez.
- Her marriage and burial records list her as Maria Antonia Dominguez Lopez, which are the surnames of her parents.
| Family: VALDEZ, Juan Anastasio / DOMINGUEZ, Maria Antonia (F5730)
2709 |
UNSUBSTANTIATIED, but MOST LIKELY this Francisca Silvas is the correct bride of Justo Balles/Valles.
- This is the only Francisca SILVAS found in the mission records who was born 1850-1851 and had a name with a "J" (listed as Juana Francisca (baptism record) & Francisca J.(marriage record)).
- Jun 25 1870 Santa Ana, California Census lists Francisca Silvas' age 18-turning 19 in October (est. yob 1851).
- Francisca Silvas' marriage license states age as 24 (est. yob 1850).
- Francisca's death record lists age as 39 years and 8 months (est. birth date October 1850)- same month as baptism record, same year as marriage record. | Family: BALLES VALLES, Justo / SILVAS, Juana Francisca "Francisca J" (F8213)
2710 |
CORRECT WIFE OF RAYMUNDO TAPIA: Per descendent M. Apodaca, New Mexico, Sep 2014 | Family: TAPIA, Raymundo "Raymond" / ESPINOSA, Gertrudis (F5771)
2711 |
Gravestone set aside in Woodland Cemetery beside parents & sister. No death date listed.
Death record says she was cremated, then buried in Rosemont Cemetery (Chicago, Cook, Illinois, where she died)
Cemetery renamed Zion Gardens Cemetery | LONG, Mildred Charlotte (I26922)
2712 |
Cremated | EISENZIMMER, Leo (I02412)
2713 |
D M RAYAN 27 Mar 1969 15 Oct 1991 (V) (PE) (none specified) 561-15-2249 California | RAYAN, David Michael (I00039)
2714 |
DATE IS FOR "DATE OF NOTICE" | INDIA, Ana Bernarda (I19027)
2715 |
BAPTISM: Cannot locate a baptism record. | OCHOA, Nicolas (I2531)
2716 |
BAPTISM: Cannot locate a baptism record. | OCHOA, Ramona (I2533)
2717 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I08216)
2718 |
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2003 21:02:01 -0500
From: "George E. Dean" <>
Subject: Your Aunt Belle
Sender: "George E. Dean" <>
Dear Cousin Janet - No, Our Aunt Belle (Belva Una Dean) was single all
her life, a music teacher during her working years. Our Dean family was
very drawn to education, and neither Belle nor her sister, Ethel, ever
had children of their own, though Ethel did marry. I think in Belle's
later years she kind of dreamed that some man would "pop" the question,
but he never did.
After my previous message, I did notice this question on the bottom of
your first e-mail. I'm certain that this isn't the same Belle Dean she
is asking about.
Regarding our well-being, Margie is doing reasonable well, considering
her 9 years of Parkinson's disease, and they haven't found any other
serious health problem.
Its a pleasant surprise to hear from you and we hope all is well.
Love, George and Margie | DEAN, Belva Una (I08088)
2719 |
Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2002 13:18:38 +0100
From: Anke Huckriede
To: Janet, Roderick
Subject: Re: FW: Sunday-greetings
Dear Janet and Rod,
thank you very much for your very interesting email about the
relationship between our families. It is funny that it seems to be a
double one, in a sense. I was especially charmed by the foto of Maynard.
He is one of the few American relatives we know (or knew) quite well. I
remember very well his first visit, it must have been in 1964 or 1965. I
was still in kindergarten while my brother Ralf was in his first year in
school. Of course is was very exciting for us to have an 'uncle' from
America over (in fact Maynard is a full cousin of my mother as you
probably know). At that time I was absolutely convinced that all
Americans are black so I was quite surprised to see a white man that
resembled very much fotos I had seen from my grandfather (who died
already in 1948). Maynard was a very nice man, we kids really loved him.
He won my heart with a white plush dog with a red collar he brought for
me. I also liked very much the magic tricks he showed us. We had a great
time together! He came for another visit in August 1980, already as a
rather old man, for the silver wedding of my parents. I remember him
bringing only very light clothes as suitable for San Diego in summer. We
had to get for him the warmest jumper of my father to stand the German
summer temperatures. One year later Ralf and I went to the US for
holidays and had a wonderful time there. We first stayed a week with the
Farr's in there home in Washington State close to the Canadian border
(Marlis Farr is a doughter of Olga Kropf who was married to Fred Kropf
(I think)). From there we made a great trip via a number of National
Parks to San Diego where we stayed with Maynard for a couple of days.
In 1986 I stayed in the US for 6 months. In the course of my PhD study
in biology I worked in a laboratory of the California Institute of
Technology. During my stay I saw Olga Kropf and Marlis Farr. Maynard was
already very ill and was staying in a nursery home. He died shortly
after I had traced down where he was staying. Also Olga who was already
high in her nineties died while I was in the US. Since then we have
heard from any of the US relatives only very sporadically.
Probably all this is not really of interest for you since you are of
course interested in the history of your family. My mother (Martha, born
1920) could tell a lot of the family of her father Heinrich who was a
brother to Wilhelm Rahe and Sophie Rahe-Kropf. I know only the
following: The parents of Wilhelm, Heinrich, Sophie, Luise (and may be
more) were working for a landowner on a large estate. They were working
in 'Heuer' which means that they had to work for the landowner on his
land and had a small amount of land which they could farm for their own.
Probably, they also possessed one or two cows, a pig and a couple of
chicken for supply with milk, eggs and meat. With all the children
around they were rather poor. Earlier an uncle of the kids had emigrated
to the US and he offered to help the kids to start a new life there as
well. This opportunity was highly welcome for the Rahe parents and they
decided to send their older children Wilhelm, Heinrich and Luise to
America to enable them a better life. However, shortly before the
journey was going to take place my grandfather Heinrich refused to go.
Instead his younger sister, aged only 13 years old, was sent together
with her older siblings. In fact, I cannot really understand how parents
can send such a young child to country absolutely to them. Their
financial problems must have been really large. Anyhow, apparently all
the children somehow made their living and founded a large Americian
Rahe branch!
Maybe it is also nice for you to get to know something about myself. I
was born in 1959 in the small German town of Quakenbrueck where my
father worked for a food company. After finishing highschool I went to
university in Bielefeld where I became a biologist. My PhD I also got in
Bielefeld and then I moved to Groningen, The Netherlands, where my
boyfriend had accepted a position at the university. I found a post-doc
position at the Medical Faculty. Currently I am an assistant professor
with a permanent position. My research focusses on the development of
improved influenza vaccines. My former boyfriend and now husband Franjo
is a professor in Theoretical Biology. Unfortunately, we don't have
children (nor does my brother). Thus our little branch of the family
ends with us.
My mother had one sister (Hedwig) and one brother (Willi). With her
husband Heinz Hedwig had one son (Dieter). Dieter married Ingrid and
they together had two children, a daughter (Dagmar) and a son (Kai).
Dagmar is in her early thirties and isn't married. Kai is married but
does not have children so far.
Well, that's about what I can tell you about the family. Everything I
wrote is what I remember from what my mother told me years ago. Ralf
might have more accurate information. He talked to my mother about the
family history very recently and also took the genealogy Maynard brougth
with him in 1980. I hoped to see him on Christmas but unfortunately tons
of snow prevented the meeting. I will send him a copy of this email such
that he can correct if I was mistaken here and there.
Now I wish both of you a very happy 2002!
Anke | RAHE, Wilhelm "William" Rudoph (I00211)
2720 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I00215)
2721 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I00229)
2722 |
Dates from Fred Wehrle
From: "dave gudeman"
To: "Janet"
Subject: Re: Schwald lineage
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 08:07:50 -0500
It is true that Friedrich Schwald and Anna Barbara Homberger had two
children before they were married, as is shown on Hanno's web-site.
1, Johann Friedrich Schwald, born in Wies on March 4, 1798. (The father was
shown as Friedrich.)
2. Anna Barbara Schwald, born in Wies on May 4, 1800. (The father was shown
as Friz.)
You will notice that they were both born with the Schwald name, quite unusal
for a child who was born out of wedlock to be given the name of the father
rather the mother. It is obvious that it was no secret who the father was,
and Friedrich and Anna Barbara probably had full intentions of marrying
later. I find it interesting that the two children born before the marriage
were born in Wies, the home of Anna Barbara, whereas the eight children born
after the marriage were born in Fischenberg, the home of Friedrich.
(Johannes (1822) was born in Fischenberg, not in Wies as shown on Hanno's
website.) I missed these two children the first time, probably because it
did not occur to me to check for births before the marriage.
It is curious that Hanno lists the two children born before the marriage,
and the first child born after the marriage, and the last child born; but
fails to show the six children born between 1802 and 1822.
It is true that a Frieddich Schwald, a widower, married a Barbara
Doerflingerin in 1828, as shown on Hanno's website. But this Friedrich was
not the Friedrich who was married to Anna Barbara Homberger, your ancestor.
Anna Barbara did not die until February 3, 1852 in Fischenberg.
Hanno lists over 16,000 names on his web site, and I wonder where he picks
up all this information. He is causing a lot of confusion and damage
because, it appears to me, he is more interested in quantity rather than
quality. | HOMBERGER, Anna Barbara (I00737)
2723 |
DAUGHTER DOLORES' LAST NAME OF TORRES; UNSUBSTANTIATED but MOST LIKELY considering she is listed with her brothers, husband & son in the 1930 Census in Placer County, California | Family: TORRES, Frank / CONCHOLA, Petra (F9232)
2724 |
Daughter Maria Guadalupe hija naturale | Family: FAVELA, Atanasio / SILVAS, Maria de los "Dolores" (F6865)
2725 |
- Maria Josefa dela Cruz CHAVOYA's 1850 baptism record:
-- father listed as Jose CHAVOYA
-- mother listed as Maria Jesus GUILLEN (NOTE: Maria Jesus GUILLEN's stepfather is Joaquin CHAVOYA)
- Maria Josefa CHABOYA's 1850 confirmation record:
-- father listed as Jose CHABOYA
-- mother listed as Maria Jesus GUILLEN
-- madrina listed as Salome FUENTES
- Maria Josefa dela Cruz LUGO's 1864 marriage License:
-- listed as age 13 (est. yob 1851), natural of Los Angeles
-- adopted mother listed as Salome FUENTES (same name as madrina on Maria Josefa CHABOYA's confirmation record)
- Maria Josefa dela Cruz LUGO's 1864 marriage record:
-- father listed as Jose Luis LUGO
-- mother listed as Maria de Jesus GUILLEN
Further investigation finds a 1850 Msn. San Gabriel baptism record which disguised Jose Luis LUGO's name when he fathered a different daughter out of wedlock.
In a similar fashion, his true identity came to light in his daughter's marriage record.
Maria Josefa dela Cruz CHAVOYA's true father is Jose Luis LUGO, having his name disguised on her baptism record as Jose CHAVOYA, the actual last name of her maternal step-grandfather.
Her true name is Maria Josefa dela Cruz LUGO
| Family: LUGO, Jose Luis / GUILLEN, Maria Leonarda de Jesus Verdugo (F5098)
2726 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I02452)
2727 |
David Gudeman's site
Johann Jacob Guedemann (son of Johannes Michael Guedemann and Anna Maria Brandlinin) was born March 09, 1800 in Kaltenbach, Baden, Germany, and died October 12, 1849 in Kaltenbach, Baden, Germany. He married Maria Barbara Wehrlin on August 14, 1828 in Kaltenbach, Baden, Germany, daughter of Johann Jacob Wehrlin.
More About Johann Jacob Guedemann:
Burial: Kaltenbach, Baden, Germany.
More About Johann Jacob Guedemann and Maria Barbara Wehrlin:
Marriage: August 14, 1828, Kaltenbach, Baden, Germany.
Children of Johann Jacob Guedemann and Maria Barbara Wehrlin are:
+Maria Barbara Guedemann, b. 1824, Kaltenbach, Baden, Germany, d. August 28, 1917, Kandern, Baden, Germany.
Johann Jacob Guedemann, b. November 29, 1827, Kaltenbach, Baden, Germany, d. July 02, 1828, Kaltenbach, Baden, Germany.
Johannes Guedemann, b. June 11, 1829, Kaltenbach, Baden, Germany, d. August 02, 1865, Kaltenbach, Baden, Germany.
Anna Maria Guedemann, b. March 17, 1832, Kaltenbach, Baden, Germany, d. September 16, 1849, Kaltenbach, Baden, Germany.
+Johann Jacob Friedrich Guedemann, b. April 24, 1835, Kaltenbach, Baden, Germany, d. October 07, 1922, Loerrach, Baden, Germany.
+Maria Katharina Guedemann, b. February 15, 1838, Kaltenbach, Baden, Germany.
Anna Katharina Guedemann, b. May 05, 1842, Kaltenbach, Baden, Germany, d. December 19, 1843, Kaltenbach, Baden, Germany.
ID: I18893
Name: Johann Jacob G?DEMANN
Sex: M
Birth: 1800 in Kaltenbach
Death: 1849 in Kaltenbach
Change Date: 2002
Father: Johannes Michael G?DEMANN b: 1756 in Kaltenbach
Mother: Anna Maria BRANDLIN b: 1764 in Marzell
Marriage 1 Maria Barbara WEHRLE b: 1800 in Luetschenbach
Married: 1828 in Kaltenbach
Maria Barbara G?DEMANN b: 1824 in Kaltenbach
Johann Jacob G?DEMANN b: 1827 in Kaltenbach
Johannes G?DEMANN b: 1829 in Kaltenbach
Anna Maria G?DEMANN b: 1832 in Kaltenbach
Johann Jacob Friedr. G?DEMANN b: 1835 in Kaltenbach
Maria Katharina G?DEMANN b: 1838 in Kaltenbach
Anna Katharina G?DEMANN b: 1842 in Kaltenbach
| GUDEMANN, Johann Jacob (I07720)
2728 |
Anna Barbara Kropfin (daughter of Hans Kropfin and Maria Heizin) was born December 17, 1738 in Marzell, Baden, Germany, and died November 22, 1806 in Marzell, Baden, Germany. She married (1) Friedrich Leisinger on August 04, 1755 in Marzell, Baden, Germany, son of Barthlin Leisinger and Barbara Strubbin. | Family: LEISINGER, Friedrich / KROPF, Anna "Barbara" (F3185)
2729 |
Simon Oswald (son of David Oswald)was born in Wambach, Baden, Germany, died in Vogelbach, Baden, Germany. He married Margaretha Motschen on March 17, 1785 in Wambach, Baden, Germany, daughter of Andreas Motschen and Barbara Muttererin.
More About Simon Oswald:
Burial: Vogelbach, Baden, Germany.
More About Simon Oswald and Margaretha Motschen:
Marriage: March 17, 1785, Wambach, Baden, Germany.
Children of Simon Oswald and Margaretha Motschen are:
+Maria Barbara Oswaldin, b. September 14, 1785, Vogelbach, Baden, Germany, d. March 17, 1824, Vogelbach, Baden, Germany. | Family: OSWALD, Simon / MOTSCH, Margaretha (Motschen) (F3154)
2730 |
- Birth Date: 2[...] Oct 1829; Baptism record | AMESQUITA AMEZQUITA, Vicenta Simona Tadea (I23668)
2731 |
The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft: History of ..., Volume 1; Volume 18
In Prov. St. Pap., Ben. Mil., MS., iii. 19, 22 are revistas of [1781/]1782 showing the following soldiers of the San Diego and Monterey company who had died ... Juan Angel Amarillas ... These 12 names doubtless include the Colorado victims [of the 1781 YUMA MASSACRE]. | AMARILLAS, Juan Angel (I14495)
2732 |
Bef. 26 Jun 1853? Cannot locate a death/burial record. | JULIT, Tomas (I14132)
2733 |
Deceased prior to 13 Jun 1847, husband's burial record of that date lists him as a widower. | FELIZ, Maria Francisca (I09809)
2734 |
Died after Aft. 04 Jun 1900, as is listed in 1900 Census Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California on this date. | OLIVAS, Maria "Arcadia" (I11667)
2735 |
Gabriel Espinosa listed as dead on son's 19 Feb 1791 baptism record | ESPINOSA, Jose Gabriel (I11806)
2736 |
Listed as deceased in son Marcos Rubio's burial record. | MORA, Maria Vicenta (I10753)
2737 |
Listed as difunto (deceased) on daughter Concepcion's 23 Dec 1857 marriage record. | YBARRA, Jose Maria (I14538)
2738 |
Listed in 1928 City Directory, but husband listed as Widower on 12 Apr 1930 Census | OCHOA, Maria Antonia Placida "Antonia" (I12626)
2739 |
Listed w/family in 1880 census and 1800 Census, 4 Jun 1900, Wife Arcardia Olivas Belliard listed as widow. | BELLIARD, Pierre (I11668)
2740 |
Msn. San Gabriel marriage record
#---- 23 December 1834 - ... Testigos por el: ... Rafael Guirado, 32, viudo, lo conoce desde chiquita.
| UNKNOWN, Unknown (I14613)
2741 |
Not listed in 22 Jun 1860 census with family, therefore must have been deceased prior to this date. | COVER, Maria (I14532)
2742 |
Texas Death Index, 1903-2000 (
Name Death Date Death County Gender
Leonard Haren 17 Nov 1980 Lubbock Male | HAREN, Sylvester L. "Leonard Valentine" (I12633)
2743 |
This is unsubstantiated, but MOST PROBABLY, the correct death record for Eulalia Lopez given that:
-- Mother's last name is listed as Juarez
-- No other Eulalia within this birth year range could be located in the death indexes. | LOPEZ, Eulalia (I15348)
2744 |
Wife Virginia Martinez listed as widow in 1900 Census | FONSECA, Julian (I14855)
2745 |
- 23 Jan 1875: Husband remarried
- 1910 Census: Husband states he was in his 2nd marriage of 36 years. | PICO, Maria Delfina "Ramona" (I11629)
2746 |
New Forest Cemetery List:
NAME - PARENTS - Funeral Director - Marital Status - DOB - DOD - BURIAL DATE - BOOK#/PAGE# - PLOT#/LOT#/GRAVE#
Schafer Emma - Carl & Phillipine Schwald - H. Keilbach - M - 02/14/1892 - 03/27/1931 - 03/30/1931 - 3/711 - 4/1829/1 | SCHWALD, Emma L. (I02292)
2747 |
New Forest Cemetery List:
NAME - PARENTS - Funeral Director - Marital Status - DOB - DOD - BURIAL DATE - BOOK#/PAGE# - PLOT#/LOT#/GRAVE#
Swald Katherine - Dorrat & Catherine Wunderly - J. J. Langdon - M - 08/26/1862 - 03/24/1940 - 03/27/1940 - 4/463 - 10/1347/3 | WUNDERLE, Katherine "Kate" (I05401)
2748 |
New Forest Cemetery List:
NAME - PARENTS - Funeral Director - Marital Status - DOB - DOD - BURIAL DATE - BOOK#/PAGE# - PLOT#/LOT#/GRAVE#
Swald Philip - _ - J. Langdon - M - 11/14/1861 - 06/20/1934 - 06/23/1934 - 4/132 - 10/1347/2 | SWALD SCHWALD, Ernst Philipp "Philip" (I00080)
2749 |
New Forest Cemetery List:
NAME - PARENTS - Funeral Director - Marital Status - DOB - DOD - BURIAL DATE - BOOK#/PAGE# - PLOT#/LOT#/GRAVE#
Wunderle Christine - Jacob & Christina Wunderle - W. J. Stiefvater - M - 01/20/1833 - 12/07/1894 - 12/09/1894 - 1/434 | ACKERMANN, Christine (I04619)
2750 |
New Forest Cemetery List:
NAME - PARENTS - Funeral Director - Marital Status - DOB - DOD - BURIAL DATE - BOOK#/PAGE# - PLOT#/LOT#/GRAVE#
Wunderle Donat - ??? - P. J. & J. B. Nelbach - M - 01/06/1825 - 02/02/1892 - 02/05/1892 - 1/250
Wunderle Donat - ??? - P. J. & J. B. Nelbch - M - 1/06/1825 - 02/02/1892 - 02/05/1892 - 1/324 | WUNDERLE, Donat (I04649)