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Notes |
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1951 |
BIRTH YEAR: per 1870 census
- 1870 Census: Adelina ORTEGA - female
- 1880 Census: Abelino ORTEGA - male
| ORTEGA, Adelina Abelino (I19365)
1952 |
BIRTH YEAR: Per 1870 census | CERVANTES, Maria "Francisca" (I12457)
1953 |
BIRTH YEAR: Per 1870 Monterey, Monterey, California census with parents and siblings | ESPINOSA, Besenta (I20880)
1954 |
BIRTH YEAR: Per 1870 Monterey, Monterey, California census with parents and siblings | ESPINOSA, Abelina (I20882)
1955 |
BIRTH YEAR: Per 1870 Monterey, Monterey, California census with parents and sisters | ESPINOSA, Jose (I20881)
1956 |
BIRTH YEAR: Per 1876 burial record age listed as 70 (est. birth year 1806) | GARCIA, Rafael (I13423)
1957 |
BIRTH YEAR: Per 1880 Census | MIRANDA, Juan Jose (I19146)
1958 |
BIRTH YEAR: Per 1880 census, and 1877 Msn. San Gabriel second marriage to Victor FRANCO. | ALBITRE ALVITRE, Maria "Ramona" (I17604)
1959 |
BIRTH YEAR: per 1880 Census, El Monte, Los Angeles, California | GUTIERREZ, Santiago (I16956)
1960 |
BIRTH YEAR: per 1880 Census, El Monte, Los Angeles, California | GUTIERREZ, Juliana (I16957)
1961 |
BIRTH YEAR: per 1880 Census, El Monte, Los Angeles, California | GUTIERREZ, Francisco (I16958)
1962 |
BIRTH YEAR: per 1880 Census, El Monte, Los Angeles, California | GUTIERREZ, Josefa (I16959)
1963 |
BIRTH YEAR: per 1880 Census, El Monte, Los Angeles, California | GUTIERREZ, Refugia (I16960)
1964 |
BIRTH YEAR: Per 1880 Census, La Ballona, Los Angeles, California | ALVARADO, Agatha (I16926)
1965 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I16981)
1966 |
BIRTH YEAR: Per 1960 Santa Barbara Census, age 6 | LOPEZ, Junipero (I19791)
1967 |
BIRTH YEAR: Per confirmation record
BIRTH PLACE: Paula's husband is listed as a witness on her sister Dolores Cruz's 1860 marriage record. Also mentioned he is married to Dolores' OLDER sister, Paula Cruz. Dolores is listed as being born in Mexico, therefore her older sister, Paula, must have also been born in Mexico. | CRUZ, Paula (I16946)
1968 |
BIRTH YEAR: Per Death Record
- 1910 Census listed birthplace California
- 1920 Census, deceased, childrens' father's birthplace listed as Mexico | GONZALEZ, Rafael "Ralph" Sr. (I17984)
1969 |
BIRTH YEAR: Per death record | REYES, Gabriel de los (I17133)
1970 |
BIRTH YEAR: Per findagrave 10 Dec 1855
Per 1868 confirmation record, age 12 (est. birth year 1856)
BIRTH PLACE: Marriage record states native of Saguaripa, Son.
LAST NAME VARIANCE: Andrada | ANDRADE, Melquiades (I16950)
1971 |
BIRTH YEAR: Per marriage record | CORONA, Manuel (I17165)
1972 |
BIRTH YEAR: Per marriage record | ORTEGA, Magdalena (I19363)
1973 |
BIRTH PLACE: See marriage record | FELIZ, Juan Manuel (I12026)
1974 |
BIRTH YEAR: See burial record | COTA, Maria Luisa (I10658)
1975 |
BIRTH YEAR: See Confirmation record | AMESQUITA AMEZQUITA, Juana Maria De Los Reyes (I11968)
1976 |
BIRTH YEAR: See Marriage Record
- Village of Bogart 4 leagues from Hamburg; Marriage record
- Hanover Germany; Burial record | DOMINGO GRONIGAN, Juan "John" (I09836)
1977 |
- 14 Aug 1828/15 Aug 1828; Bap. Record (huntington.org)
- 27 Aug 1828/28 Aug 1828; Bap. Record (T.W. Temple) | SOTELO, Maria de las Nieves (I22102)
1978 |
- 16 Jan 1821/18 Jan 1821 (huntington.org
- 14 Jan 1821/16 Jan 1821 (T.W. Temple) | YBARRA, Jose Hilario (I12272)
1979 |
- 23 Jan 1691/25 Jan 1691; Bap. record (ancestry.com) | SCHWALD, Martin (I07976)
1980 |
- In 1800 twenty-one orphans from the Lorenzana orphanage of Mexico City arrived in Monterey. All were given the surname "Lorenzana" | LORENZANA, Margarita (I23555)
1981 |
Birth: 11 JAN 1843 in Peoria, IL
Death: 29 FEB 1920 in Tobias, Saline County, KS
Father: Lorenzo Chamberlain
Mother: Susan Welcher
Marriage 1 Joseph Ankeny b: 24 FEB 1827 in Morrisons Cove, Woodbury Township, Bedford County, Pennslyvania
Married: 13 MAR 1861 in Peoria, IL
Caroline Ankeny b: 28 JAN 1864 in Perioa, Peoria County, IL | CHAMBERLAIN, Mary (I08049)
1982 |
As calculated by age at death
Death Date: 10 Oct 1876
Age: 73y 4m 6d
BIRTHPLACE: Originally Virginia which was subsequently split into West Virginia in 1861 during the Civil War | PHILLIPS, Comfort (I27100)
1983 |
18 Mar 1852 - Calculated by age 22y 2m 23d at time of marriage on 20 Jun 1874
27 Mar 1852 - Death Certificate
Jan 1855 - 1900 Census | FOGLE, Charles F. (I27320)
1984 |
Nov 1835 - 1900 Census
18 Oct 1832 - Death Certificate
18 Oct 1833 - Burial findagrave.com | LIDDY, Catharine (I27066)
1985 |
Birthdate per descendent J.L. | TAPIA YBARRA, Maria "Ramona" Trinidad (I18070)
1986 |
BIRTHDATE per descendent J.L. - May 31, 2022 | RODRIGUEZ, Martha Beatrice (I26714)
1987 |
- Abt. 1844; Age 6 in 1850 Census & age 16 in 1860 Census | SERRANO, Antonio (I11)
1988 |
- Abt. 1852; Age 8 in 1860 Census | OCHOA, Nicolas (I2531)
1989 |
10 Jul 1851 - Calculated by age 22y 11m 0d at time of marriage on 20 Jun 1874 | LAWSON, Evaline (I27321)
1990 |
Birthday between 16th & 18th | DEAN, George E. (I02482)
1991 |
- AKA Bürchau, Lörrach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany | SCHWALD, Hans (I00791)
1992 |
Virginia - 1850-1880 Censuses - Aid, Lawrence, Ohio; w/husb. Anderson Vitito & children | MASSIE, Mary (I27136)
1993 |
BIRTHPLACE - per child #2 baptism record | MORILLO, Lorenza (I16416)
1994 |
- Jose de la Luz ORTEGA listed birth place as California (when living with his mother and siblings)
- Gregorio ORTEGA's records listed birth place as Mexico (when living with his wife and children)
Many of Gregorio's descendents believe Gregorio considered himself to be a Mexican citizen because at the time of his birth, Alta California was under Mexican rule;
- 1824-1848: Mexico claims ownership of the Alta California Territory.
- 1840 Santa Barbara, Alta California: birth of Jose de la Luz ORTEGA
- 1848: Ownership of the Alta California Territory transferred from Mexico to the United States & renamed California, as a result of The Mexican-American war 1846-1848.
CERTIFICATE OF CITIZENSHIP - Ventura County Superior Court:
- Jul 23, 1877: Gregorio renounced his Mexican citizenship and was granted a [U.S.] Certificate of Citizenship
-- Book: 2
-- Certificate Number: 31(M)
-- Page: 338
Book 2 had three categories for Citizenship Certificates*:
I Alien - pages 1-64
II Minor - pages 30-345 [indicated with (M)]
III Soldiers - pages 397-398
Gregorio was listed under the "MINOR" category*.
(Most likely because he was NOT an ALIEN or a SOLDIER, and he fell into no other category, i.e. he was a 37-year-old adult, NOT born out of country but born in the Mexico-owned Alta California Territory, whose ownership was later transferred to the United States & renamed California.)
(*See Gregorio's Naturalization/Citizenship Certificate Record)
Per the Ventura County Web Site:
Since children under 16 acquire citizenship through the naturalization of their parents, those listed under the "MINOR" category are probably young men between the ages of 16 and 21 [born in Mexican Alta California?-JSR.]
It would seem the CITIZEN CERTIFICATE would validate the claim that Gregorio was born in Alta California.
However, there are many important discrepancies which could dispute this fact.
1) Birth Place California vs Mexico;
I) Jose de la Luz (Gregorio) Ortega lists birth place as California per;
A. All Censuses where he used the name Jose de la Luz Ortega.
II) Gregorio Ortega lists birth place as Mexico per all documents below where he used the name Gregorio Ortega;
A. All Censuses
B. Citizenship Certificate
C. Voter Registration Lists
D. Death Certificate
E. Coroner's Inquest
2) Natural Born vs Immigration:
A. Jose de la Luz states he was born in California
B. Gregorio states he immigrated to the U.S. in 1875 (1900 census); in 1860 (1910 census)
3) Voter Registration Eligibility Authorization - Treaty of Hidalgo vs Citizenship Certificate:
A. Jose de la Luz (Gregorio) Ortega's siblings' Voter Registrations list their birthplaces as California; w/eligibility to vote "by virtue of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo." (The treaty signed at the end of the Mexican-American War which, among other things, gave adult male residents born or residing in Alta California voting privileges in the United States.)
B. Gregorio lists his eligibility to vote per his 23 Jul 1877 Citizenship Certificate.
4) 1870 Census - Two Separate Individuals vs One Who is Listed Twice (in different towns):
A. Township 2 [Santa Barbara], Santa Barbara, California - Jose G. Ortega, Age: 30, Birthplace: Cal, living alone [same town his mother, siblings, half-siblings & stepfather were living]
B. Township 1 [San Buenaventura], Santa Barbara, California - Gregorio Ortega, Age: 25, Birthplace: Mexico; w/wife Regina [Esquivel] Ortega & son, Salomon Ortega [same town Regina's parents & siblings were living] Note: Regina listed twice, also as living in parent's household
***** As of July 2016, it cannot be definitively determined whether or not Jose de la Luz Ortega is the same person as Gregorio Ortega, husband of Regina Esquivel. *****
| ORTEGA, Jose de la Luz de Jesus "Gregorio" (I12733)
1995 |
Highland County, Ohio - Son Charles' delayed birth registration
Ross County, Ohio - Burial Record, findagrave.com | LYTLE, Ida May (I27647)
1996 |
- Missouri - 1870 Census
- Indiana - 1880 Census | UNKNOWN, Sarah L. (I26822)
1997 |
- Missouri - 1879 Marriage record
- Iowa - 1880 Census
- Indiana - 1892 Voter Registration
- Illinois - Children's census records | SHEPARD, Amos S. (I26820)
1998 |
- Sonora; 1885 Marriage record to Lucia ABRIL
- San Gabriel; 1886, 2nd Marriage record to same wife | FIGUEROA, Jose de Jesus (I22)
1999 |
- 1880 Census: Jesus listed his birthplace as Mexico
-- Jesus' children have their father's (Jesus) birthplace listed as Cal (California) | NAVARRO, Jesus (I12741)
2000 |
- California; Son's (Joaquin GRADIAS) 1880 Census data
- Mexico; Son's (Joaquin GRADIAS) 1900 Census data
| GRADIAS, Joaquin (I21)